Hey, hello. Everybody is everybody in the room. We get everybody in
everyone's in the room.
Oh, fantastic, fantastic. Welcome everybody to another episode. In our last episode of lucid dreaming induction, Katie, Chelsea and Bodie were stranded on an island, sharks with legs rose from the sea and were shooting laser. Oh, wait a minute. Sorry. Actually, last time we met, we were talking about the nine breaths. So if any of you missed that, we it would invite you to check out the recordings at nightclub, and you can sign up for nightclub and and get to see those recordings. So welcome everybody, and we're gonna start with our wonderful poll that we like to do to see how how everyone did this last month. Did we have anybody with lucid dreams? What was it like? So we're going to bring that up.
All right, so we would invite you, if you would take a look at these, see which one resonates with you, and we can check it out you.
Okay, wow, nice.
Okay, 23 people out of 33 have answered.
Thank you for your attention.
Okay, still 23 any of those last 10 people? Oh, there's one. Yeah, we appreciate all of you participating in this poll. It kind of helps us get an idea where the group's at, how things are moving. And, yeah, so appreciate it.
Yeah, okay.
And 25 I think, I think we can go with that. What do you what do you think? Chelsea, yeah, let's
go roll with that.
All right, what do we got?
Um, we have one out of 25 has never had a lucid dream. Six people are unsure possibly have had a lucid dream. One person had their first lucid dream in the past month. Yay. We like to celebrate that here. It's really important to celebrate when we have lucid dreams. 10 people have been lucid dreaming for a while and did not have a lucid dream in the past month. Yeah. And then seven people have been lucid dreaming for a while, and did have a lucid dream in the last month. So congrats to you all too.
That's nice. Great. Fantastic everyone. Thanks for participating, and that's wonderful. We had one person with their first lucid dream, so that that kind of puts our total up for how long we've been doing the group, you know, people that have had their first lucid dream, I think we're at, I don't know, Katie, do you remember what our total is now, yeah,
I went back and looked precisely, and I think this is 1212.
People since we started this group have had their first lucid dream. So awesome. So it really pays off to be in a group to get that group filled, at least, that's what I believe. So wonderful. Thanks for showing up and and putting your energy in. Each of you to this group. So with that, we're gonna proceed forward with this month's new content. Katie,
yeah, thanks, Bodie, and I just want to invite the person whoever had their first lucid dream, if you feel called, to come on camera and share during our Q A at the end. We would love to hear from you, no pressure, but we would love to hear if so, and anyone else also that is unsure about having had a lucid dream. We also invite you to ask in the Q, a, and then we can maybe suss out whether or not it was a lucid dream that you had. So that's great. Thank you. So our focus, our topic for today, is on Dream incubation. So what is Dream incubation? Dream incubation involves focusing your mind on a specific topic, intention or question, with the intent that that will then arise within the dream space, and you'll be able to work with it in the lucid dream. So I'm just curious how many here have ever worked with Dream incubation, either with lucid dreams or non lucid dreams. If you have, just raise your hand. Okay, great. A few of you. Nice. Thank you. So we're going to talk about five different facets to dream incubation, and then give some examples about different themes you might explore when incubating dreams. Give some tips. And then Chelsea is going to guide a practice on Dream incubation, which involves a guided visualization and imagination aspect of it. So the first facet to dream incubation is creating a really clear intention. If you haven't seen our first session that we did in January of this year, we focus on intention and how to build a really strong intention. So that's the first layer with Dream incubation, is creating an intention that really speaks to you, that feels connected with your heart, and that is something that you have a strong pull towards or draw towards, creating or accomplishing in the dream space. The second facet to dream incubation is belief. So this involves both believing in your intention and also believing in your capacity to become lucid so that you can work with that intention in the dream space. So an important aspect of belief is to make sure that whatever your intention is is something that feels attainable to you. Sometimes we might have a really profound or really expansive idea that we want to incubate a dream about, but depending on where we are in our practice that may or may not be accessible to us yet. So we want to make sure that whatever our intention is is something that feels in alignment with where we are in our practice and where we really deeply believe that we actually can attain that intention. The third aspect to dream incubation is imagination. So this aspect is really about seeing, feeling, visualizing. Are experiencing whatever we are wanting to incubate the dream about prior to actually having the dream in the lucid space. So when we work with our imagination in this way, it's it's sort of like CO creating with our subconscious. So using our conscious mind to co create with our subconscious mind and planting these seeds in our subconscious mind so that they can incubate and hopefully sprout when we have a lucid dream. So the imagination part is, is really valuable, and that's going to be a big focus in Chelsea's practice. She has a beautiful practice that guides you through this imagination process, step by step. So it's like an active imagination process. An important thing with it is it's we're not necessarily creating the whole dream from the awakened state, we're just planting seeds for how it will be created. So there's again the conscious, active part of it, and then there's more of the receptive part of it, which can come when you're in the lucid space. The fourth facet to dream incubation is relaxation. Once you've created the intention and believed in it and imagined it coming to fruition, then you want to relax and let it go and really just allow yourself to surrender drop into the sleep state and the dream state each night. And the fifth facet to dream incubation is to stay open minded and patient. So with Dream incubation, there's a right timing for any dream to come to fruition. You know, sometimes when I incubate a dream, I will have a lucid dream that night, and sometimes when I incubate a dream, it will take months to have a lucid dream about that topic. And also, you might find that there are layers dream layers to whatever dream you're incubating. So with some dreams that I have incubated, it actually takes multiple lucid dreams to really complete whatever that intention was. So it's really helpful to be spacious with time and to allow yourself to have as much time as needed for your subconscious to bring this dream forth so that you can work with it. Now, with that being said, sometimes you might incubate a dream and it's not coming and it's not coming and it's not coming, which might mean that you need to change the intention or change some specifics around how that might come to fruition. So you want to be mindful in tracking your own process with the incubation as well, and having skillful means with yourself about what is the appropriate intention and what is the length of time that might be that might make sense for you to reach that intention within so if it's been like years or many, many months, and you've been working with an intention and it's not coming, maybe it's time to look at that and shift it a bit. Great. So I'm going to give some examples for themes that you could incubate dreams about. And while I'm doing this, I also want to invite you, if you have ideas or themes that are arising that dreams could be incubated about, to also drop those in the chat, so that we have even a wider array of options. I Yes. So some themes, you could incubate a dream about, first, a problem that you're working on. Albert Einstein is a great example of this. He worked on the theory of relativity in his dream space. So any problem that you have in your life that you're having trouble solving, you could incubate a dream about that to find a solution. You could incubate a dream about an experience that you'd like to have, maybe you want to go skydiving, or maybe you want to do a backflip off a high dive board, some experience that perhaps is not accessible to in waking life, you could incubate dream about that somewhere you feel stuck in life is another good option, a question that you have, one of the ways that I really like to work with asking questions in the dream space. Is to look up at the sky, maybe it's the daytime sky, maybe it's the night sky, and to look up and to say the question to the sky, and then to just wait and listen for an answer. Or sometimes you can also ask a question directly to a dream character who might be supportive to giving you a response that would help you, you can incubate a dream about meeting with a teacher or a guide. I love this, this theme, because it's it's a way of actually having more one to one time with teachers or guides who either are not very available for that in waking life, or maybe just aren't accessible to you in some way. You can incubate a dream about meeting with someone who has died, a friend or a family member, an animal. You can practice a skill. Could be playing an instrument or reciting a speech or working on something that you've always wanted to learn how to do, like climbing a rock wall. You can incubate dreams about healing on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels,
about resolving relational challenges or conflicts. Spiritual exploration, you can incubate dreams about traveling, and this could be traveling to a place on earth that you've always wanted to go, like maybe the Swiss Alps, or you could travel to places that you couldn't go in this body, like go to the center of the earth or go to a different planet. You can also incubate dreams about how to achieve a goal. So if there's something you're wanting to achieve but you're not quite sure how to get there, you can incubate a dream about that expanding your creativity. Another good one. This is one that Salvador Dali used with his surrealist art. And also any of the nine Dream Yoga stages that Andrew talks about in his book Dream Yoga. If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it. The nine stages just memorized briefly are stage one, flying, stage two, changing things in the dream. Stage three, putting your hands through walls or dropping beneath the earth like a mole. Stage four, working with fear. Stage Five, transforming into a deity. Stage six, stepping into the body of a dream character. Stage seven, creating a special dream body. Stage eight, meditation and stage nine, recognizing the clear light. So any of these stages also you can incubate a dream about you can say, I really want to focus on stage four, working with fear. And this is the specific fear I want to work with. And then you can incubate a dream on that. Great. So just a few tips on Dream incubation. You you really want what? What I've learned from my experience with this is you really want to use your own language. So I tried, actually, I've tried using other people's prompts and other people's language. For example, Robert Wagoner has this prompt in a lucid dream. You the incubation is to see the most fulfilled version of yourself. And so I went into a lucid dream, and I asked, kind of show me the most fulfilled version of myself. And nothing happened. And I'm I'm sure it was because it wasn't my own languaging, and it wasn't a way that I was able to speak directly to my subconscious mind. So really important to use your own language and have it applied specifically to your own life, your life situation and something that feels really connected to your heart. And another tip is that you want to consider how the incubated dream will benefit others. This is one of the, what are called magical induction techniques, where we explore how what we're doing is a benefit to others, not simply to ourselves. This is a way of greatly expanding our lucidity, and it's also a way of bringing a lot more joy and meaning into the. Practice as well. Great. So that is Dream incubation, and now Chelsea is going to guide us through a practice on on Dream incubation, intention and imagination.
Thank you, Katie.
So what we're going to do to start off is we're going to do a little bit of a journaling prompt. So I invite you to find something to write with, to write on. You can use your computer whatever you feel most comfortable with. Katie's going to share the prompt right now, and there we go. So our journaling prompt that's really going to support us in the guided meditation or the guided practice is going to be, what would you like to incubate a dream about? And Katie spoke to things to consider, such as using your own language applied specifically to your own life and situation, choosing a topic that really feels connected to your heart. So if one of those themes that Katie mentioned just kind of made your heartflitter, that's a good sign. Maybe choose something around that, and then how the dream you are incubating will benefit others. And we actually have those themes that Katie was just sharing about. So up at the top, you'll see the question, we're going to leave this slide up while you guys are writing. And once again, it's what would you like to incubate a dream about and then those themes are underneath to hopefully inspire you. And we'll have about seven minutes to do this, and I will let You know when we have About a minute left. You.
All right, we have about One more minute left you?
All right, I hope you guys got your incubation intention down. Keep it close to you. We'll need it for this next part. And Katie, if you could take down the slide, that would be great. Thank you so much. All right, so this next part is actually going to be a guided imagination process using the incubation, induction intention, intention, all the I words, the incubation intention that you just crafted. So before we begin, I invite you just to read your what you just drafted a couple of times to just kind of really feel it inside of you, because you'll need to remember this while we're going through the guided practice. So I'm just going to give you a couple minutes to really read it and feel it inside of yourself.
Alright? So when you feel ready,
you can either have your screen on, your video on, or you're welcome to turn it off, whatever you're most comfortable with. And you'll want to find a comfortable position. This could be seated. This could be standing. We laying down whatever is going to help you relax in this moment.
If you're seated, I invite you to make sure that your feet are on the ground, firmly touching the earth and and
you are in this comfortable position,
make sure you aren't too tight or too loose,
ensuring that your posture is one of relaxed attention.
And for this practice, I recommend that you close your eyes, because it imagination process.
And once you have your eyes closed, bring your attention to your breath as we settle in together.
Really just noticing your breath
so nothing to change, nothing to do. And
once you've settled in and you feel relaxed, bring the intention that you just created to your mind,
whisper it to yourself, it doesn't have to be the exact words Three times slowly,
if you just remember the most important aspect of it, then that works too, whatever is coming to you in this moment that's alive for you. You
as your incubation, intention begins to perfume your mind, bring your senses into the experience and invite your imagination to unfold.
What does the scene look like.
Be open to whatever is being conjured up for you In this moment and
notice what it feels like and
let the Scene reveal itself to you based on your intention and
What sounds do you hear? If any
be curious. I
Is there a smell or a taste that is arising for you? Do.
Are there any physical sensations that you're noticing in your body? I
I allow this experience to naturally arise and be curious about what is unfolding and
let go
and fully immerse yourself in your imagination without any judgment. You
if you're noticing
a specific place in your body where a sensation is arising,
notice that
allowing yourself to dive deeper into another layer of your imagination,
feeling the scene in a deeper sense, as if you are truly here Right now,
and empower the belief
that you will incubate this dream and
remain with the scene as you gently begin to let it go
and feel like waking up from A dream,
and as you see the dream the scene,
move away off into the distance. You notice yourself coming back to the group. We do not need to do this quickly. You can keep your eyes closed as you begin to take deeper breaths coming back into your body,
gently wiggle your toes and your fingers, maybe take a little stretch that feels good
for you,
and when you're ready, you can open your eyes and come back to The shared dream that we're all in right now, while Welcome back. I'd love to hear how that process was for you. You are welcome to we're going to go into the Q and A now. So the Q and A is really an opportunity for us to share as well as you know, answer any questions and have an open conversation, so feel free to share there or share in the chat. And Bodhi will be hosting us for the Q and A. Thank you. Everybody.
All right.
So now time for questions. Anybody has any questions, you can use the emoji for raising your hand. You can also put your question in the chat. If you prefer that, keep an eye on that.
All right,
Elaine, yeah, there we go. Now I see,
yeah, go ahead.
Okay, I unmuted. I had a kind of I had a an either or question. And there was one thing. It was about what I wanted versus something that was also okay, but it was that was geared more to accommodating somebody else. And rather than focusing or being able to focus on on on what I wanted, I found myself, you know, shifting back to to the other alternatives. So it was kind of like a split between, you know, each between A and B. You know, it was about traveling where to go, you know, either to to to go to the rainforest in Costa Rica, or to go to to visit the Carrington Museum in Mexico, to be specific, so that they're Both really fascinating places, and I kind of had my heart set on going to to the rainforest, but I ended up thinking more about the Carrington museum. So I wonder if you comment on that, or maybe maybe it's obvious, you know,
all right? Chelsea Katie,
yeah, what's coming up for me is that it sounds like maybe, but it sounds like you should be kind of being pulled into directions, right? Either the museum or the rainforest, and so in the guided practice, is this true that you are kind of like thinking about thinking about both. And what I think so cool about the dream space is an imagination in itself, is you can really go to both at the same time, if you want to within the dream space. So you can imagine the museum surrounded by the rainforest in Costa Rica, and you could go to two both places at the same time. If that seems overwhelming to you, I totally understand that. I just wanted to offer that as a possibility. But I would say, since you're noticing that's coming up, for you to just reflect and see you know which one your heart feels called to more so in this moment. And if you really want to focus on one, then maybe try to focus on that one. And if, if you're still kind of going back and forth, then just like, play for play with it a little bit. And then maybe see if there's a different option completely, that's not the museum or the rainforest, that'll kind of, like, switch it up for you a little bit so that you're not torn between those two examples, is that helpful?
Elaine, yeah, yeah,
that is, I mean, I especially like your idea of, you know, thinking about or imagining the museum surrounded by the rainforest in a dream. That's a really fascinating possibility, so I'll explore that. Thank you very much. Yeah,
I hope you try it out and let us know how it goes.
Katie, do you have anything?
No, I think that's great.
All right, just checking in. I think, I think plane tickets from Mexico City to the rainforest are pretty cheap. You could do both. Yes, go for both. That's what I would encourage that. Yes, great. Sometimes those competing things, I have problems with that too, like,
oh man. And so either you can, yeah, if you can combine things that are really juicy for you the things that are
bring up. Like, yes, this would be so great. And it just, it just stacks. So you're stacking not just an intention, but you're incubating something that really you're excited about. And for you, it's two things you're excited about. So stacking both those together will make the incubation probably even you know even richer or you know or heated up more in an alchemical way to make that actually happen. All right. Better get my glasses here. Who do we got? Who's next? Oh, Dominica, what you got? Hi.
Thanks so much, friends. Um, I'm not somebody who has a lucid dream every night, and so in anticipation of the the likely reality that I won't have say I'm incubating a dream as part of my bedtime practice, it doesn't become fulfilled that very night. If it did, that would be amazing. But just, you know, sort of thinking about this as a practice that you know, I could be working with for a long time. You know, one intention after another. Do you suggest doing it as a consistent nighttime practice with one that I've selected and just kind of sticking with that for a while until I until either It's fulfilled or I just decide to, you know, maybe shift to a different one. Or is it better to just kind of go spontaneously with what is feeling most juicy for me that night, even if maybe something up is popping something is else is popping up for me that might feel more alive in that moment than my usual one.
All right? Great question. Yeah. Katie, do you have anything about that?
Yeah, I do. So there are really so many ways to go about it, and I think that a good underlying context to hold this with is what is really alive for you in your life. So whatever the that intention is that you would incubate a dream about focusing on what is really up for you, what is really alive for you. So if that takes one night or one week or one month or one year, I think it is good to stay focused on that. If it's really alive, that's one layer of it and then another layer of it is sometimes I spoke to this earlier on, but sometimes you might have an intention, but it's actually just a little bit out of reach or unattainable, based on where we are in our lucidity practice. So in that case, you you may want to still work with that intention in some way, if it's really alive for you, but to adapt the intention to something that's more accessible for you in your lucidity practice. So for example, if you had if you wanted to incubate a dream where you were meditating in the dream, meditating in a dream requires a good amount of stability, so maybe you have that incubation and you're wanting to do that, but it's not coming. It's not coming. It's not coming. So maybe you say, Okay, I do still want to meditate in a dream, but like a sitting meditation isn't happening. So I'm going to shift my intention to maybe a pellucid dream where I'm doing a moving meditation, walking through the dream in a moving way. So we can make little adaptations like this, where we can still move from what our hearts intention is, but adapt it to our own practice and where we are in that in that journey. Does that? Do you feel like that answers your question,
sort of so just to sort of repeat back what I'm receiving from that. It sounds like your suggestion is to think more broadly about what is most alive for me or juicy for me in a more overarching way in my life as a whole, and kind of set aside anything that might be popping up. In a strong way that particular day or week, even if it's not for maybe I'll give an example. So something that I might really like to do in an overarching way in my life is to heal a relationship with a specific person. That's something that is always present, not really going anywhere, but maybe in a more incidental way. In my life, I'm posed with a decision I have to make, and I'm feeling kind of stuck, and I'd like to get some clarity on that, the relationship with the other person that's not going anywhere, but maybe for this sort of point in time in my life, getting clarity on this question or direction. You know, do I do this? Do I do that is more burning for me. So that's kind of that's like a scenario that I'm wondering about,
yeah, yeah. Thank you for clarifying. That's a great question. And you know, you can, you can do both. So you can say, I'm going to have a dream that I'm incubating for this overarching thing, that this is what's really up right now. So I'm going to focus more strongly on this right now, and then, when that feels resolved, I'll go back to the bigger overarching intention. I think it's it's helpful to look at what is blocking our lucidity, like what is distracting us or pulling us away from clarity or from lucidity in our lives, and focus on that. And sometimes that might be the bigger overarching things, and sometimes it might be the more immediate burning questions or situations in our lives. So to measure it kind of CO measure with those scenarios based on that,
that helps so much. Thank you absolutely.
Thank you. Dominica Scott,
hey, thank you so much for providing this forum for people. This is great. So I have a question about I was forming my my intention, and as I was doing that, I was realizing that I was having a lot of pretty strong emotions around that. And so my question is simply when, when you were forming an intention, and it is something that's really emotional. Are there any guidelines to try to deal and work with that a bit?
just a clarity question like, is it like emotion, like excitement, you know, like more positive, or is it an emotion that's more like challenging, hard to work with?
Is that it's actually my I have a brother that died and didn't really get a chance to say goodbye to him before he died, and so that it was just bringing up lots of feeling
perfect. Thank you. Thank you. That's the clarity we needed. Chelsea,
yeah, Scott, thank you for your vulnerability. What's the name of your brother?
Rick. Yeah, thanks for bringing him into the space. And I actually work a lot with this. My practice around meeting with people who have died, and I would say, be really gentle with yourself around this, if you're noticing that really challenging emotions are coming up with you. For you around this, it's a I guess. What I want to ask for you around this is when you feel the difficult emotions coming up, Is it distracting you from being present with the imagery, or are you able to stay with the imagery?
It's kind of distracting, because I have this fear of being overwhelmed by the emotion and that dominates. Yeah,
yeah. So to me, this maybe is a sign, do you feel like you're getting the support that you need for your grief.
Well, it's been some time since he passed away and and, you know, this is just something that's like in the back of my mind, something that I just occurred to me that I would like to see if in the dream space I could, you know, have a little bit more resolution.
Mm, hmm, yeah, thank you for sharing that with me. Yeah. So what are kind of I say, follow your intuition with this. Keep on having that dream incubation. Intention i. And if it starts to feel overwhelming while you're doing the imagination practice like way too overwhelming, then just stop. And if there's a practice that really calls to you sometimes, for me, what I've been doing really recently, because I actually had someone very close to me transition about two months ago is when I start to feel that this is actually an Andrew practice. He calls it somatic meta. You put your hand of your heart. So if you want to do that with me, whoever feels called to do it right now, you put your hand over your heart and you just feel it, whatever's coming up,
but you don't feed it.
So what I mean by that is, with these imagination practices, if you're imagining your brother Rick in front of you, and that's bringing up emotions, which would totally make sense that that would happen, what you can do in that moment is you can put your hand on your heart and maybe just be there with him in that moment without putting a story with it, and see if that kind of helps you move through the emotion and continue the imagination practice. And then the other offering that I have is you don't necessarily have to do the imagination practice. If that feels like a lot for you, you can also just set the intention before you go to sleep tonight. And this is also really fun, too. With incubation, you don't have to be lucid to have an incubation come to fruition. So I've had this happen to me quite a bit, where I set the intention tonight I will have, I'll say tonight I'll have a lucid dream, you know, but sometimes it's not lucid, where I will meet with my friend's name is David, where I will meet with David in the dream. And sometimes he'll just show up, and I'll just get to spend time with him in the dream. And that itself can be really healing. So does that help? Scott,
absolutely. That makes a lot of sense. Thank
you. Yeah, yeah. I hope that that comes to fruition with you.
Thank you so
And Scott, something came to came to my mind too that might help in moving forward is it's an imagination that you technique that you do during your waking state. I think it can be called pillow talk, so taking like, two pillows or two chairs, and just imagine Rick sitting in the chair or on the pillow across from you, and you know, with your hand on your heart, go ahead and create that conversation, whatever it is you'd like to say, or the question you'd like to ask. And so this is like incubating, but it is actually something that can really help, like, like, start loosening things up, start the conversation. So you can start the conversation during your waking state by actually just inviting him to sit in the chair or the pillow across from you, and then having that conversation, being able to say what it is you'd like to say, letting your heart share something, and then listening, and just taking a moment and listening, eventually, that technique can go to where you switch seats and you get to sit in that other seat, and you get to kind of feel what it is that he'd like to say to you. And so that's a technique that we can talk about more or something. If that's interesting, you can always email me and get more details on that, how to do that, or whatever. But it it kind of gets the conversation going, and this can then lead into that conversation continuing in the dream space. So if that helps, hopefully that might be something that you might enjoy doing and might be helpful. Thanks, buddy. Appreciate it. You bet. You bet.
Bodie, can I add one more thing, just in general, with that, yes, is anybody that we're meeting who has died, it's always helpful to remember them in a joyful state. So sometimes our last memories with someone can be with them, maybe in a state that can be difficult for us or that was challenging for us or it was challenging for them. And so if we can remember. Remembered them in a state, in a place maybe where we also spent time with them, or we saw them as being joyful and happy and alive. That can be really helpful as well.
Thank you, Chelsea,
and I think we have a question in the chat, just so you know, Bodhi, Oh, yeah. Can
you go ahead and read that? Yeah,
I think that's the one from Patrick. Yeah. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. So question for each of you three, when incubating a dream to meet a teacher, guide or deity, is there anything extra one can do to help facilitate the stream experience.
Nice, Katie. Do you have anything on that?
Yeah, yeah. Actually, I learned this technique from Katie a while ago when we want to summon anyone, a teacher, a friend, anyone in a dream, to call their name three times. And it works really well for me. Part of, part of why that works, I think, is sometimes there can be when we're when we're summoning in a lucid dream, sometimes there can be a bit of a delay from when we first summon to when that dream character shows up. So calling the name three times gives that space for that summoning to come to fruition. So that's that's one I work with. Thank you, Bodhi for teaching me that one. And yeah, I guess for me, that's the main one. The other thing that I do is just set the intention really clearly and strongly before sleep, and visualize the face of the teacher so I actually have my teachers on my altar, so I look at their faces every night before I go to sleep. But I'll close my eyes and I'll actually visualize it internally, as well as an imagination of wanting to be be with them. And then if there is, if there's a place also that I want to be, I'll imagine that place that I want to be, where I want that dream to take place, and sometimes it will happen in that place, and sometimes it won't, but those would be my techniques for that good question.
Chelsea, you got any
so for a particular teacher, deity or guide, I will do a lot of what Katie just shared. I do those I didn't do the name thing, so I'll try that out. That sounds fun, but I also visualize them. Something that I do for people or animals is that if there's a particular smell that reminds me of them, I'll try to imagine that smell, or I'll try to recreate it, like chocolate, for instance. Good one for me. And then the other thing that I'll do so in the guided practice, what I did is I shared with you to feel into your body if you noticed any sensations in a particular pray place. So the body keeps track of our memories, right? So that's why smell is really good for bringing up memories, particularly connected to a person and also in the body. So I'll try to connect with that place in the body where maybe that memory is stored to connect with that person. Again,
beautiful, beautiful for me, yeah, it's calling a name three times, just that's always worked for me, so that would be my answer. So hopefully those help if you're calling somebody in, try those out. All right. Tracy, hello,
thank you for this. I'm quite I'm very new to lucid dreaming. So for me, it was trying to work with fear. So what I found is, when I do perhaps have a lucid dream, there's always fear there, and then when I wake up in the morning that fear is sometimes still with me, and so I did struggle a little bit doing the incubate, the dream incubation for for working with fear. So I'm just wondering if you could give me any tips for Dream incubation when working. Fan.
Okay, so first of all, wow, you're new to lucid dreaming, but you're, you're working with something that's high level, working with fears. So, wow, can, can, I guess, yeah, since that's on the menu for you, then we, we gotta go with that. But, yeah, typically new to lucid dreaming, we'd want to try and work with, you know, easier things work up, but, but if that is what's on the menu and you want to work with that, let's, let's talk about it. Um. Katie, do you have anything you want to share?
Yeah, yeah. I just want to clarify one thing. Tracy, so you said that when each time you have a lucid dream, there's fear there. I'm
actually sure if it is a lucid dream, that's the thing. It's kind of I'm aware I'm dreaming and the story. It's almost like I'm watching the story unfold. Okay, yep, I know that I can see myself in the dream, but I'm aware that I'm very fearful. So I don't know why. I don't really know why I'm I'm fearful. It's a little bit odd. So like I say, it could might not even be a lucid dream. It just might be a dream where I'm experiencing fear. I don't know the difference. Yeah,
well, I think you said you are aware that you're dreaming while you're in the dream, right? Yes, that's a lucid dream. Okay, yeah. So, yeah, that's the only qualifier for what makes a lucid dream, being aware that
when I realize I'm aware, that's when the fear comes. It's almost like it's strange, yeah,
no, it's actually, this is actually really normal to have the fear come so, yeah, so one of the things is that becoming more and more lucid is actually really scary to the egoic parts of ourself. Yes, there's, there's an expression that fear is the fair. Fear is the fair to coming to these deeper levels of our subconscious mind, these deeper levels of ourself, and eventually deeper levels of our no self, our selflessness. So the fear is a really natural response to that. And also, fear is a powerful focuser, right? If you think about when we're fearful about something, our attention is completely with that one thing, right? We're so focused on it, and that alone can actually spark lucidity. Okay? So I think there's, there's a few reasons behind why you're having this fear, and I think it's a good sign, actually. Yeah. So, yeah. So when you're in, you know, when you're in that lucid dream, and you're aware, but you're fearful, and you said it's like you're watching yourself being fearful, so you're like the witness that's watching someone else, that's you in the dream being people. Yeah. So if when you're in that, when that happens next time in a lucid dream, if you can bring your awareness to the observer, like, bring the awareness back to, oh, wait, that is what I'm looking at. That's actually not me, that's part of the dream. What's going on here? Turn the awareness back inward and and see if that has any impact on the fear.
Okay, yeah. Thank
you. Thank
you very much.
Yeah, absolutely.
Chelsea, do you have anything?
I don't have anything to add. Okay,
great, fantastic, yeah, just what came to my mind is, is, yeah, sometimes if, if you can learn a skill of, of, uh, once you become lucid, being able to freeze the the story like, you know, stop the story for a moment, go and just focus on this is a dream. This is a dream so you you're able to stop that dream character or the scene, or whatever might be in the story, if something in the story, or what you're experiencing as you become lucid is is adding to the fear you can freeze it, and then, you know, look. Inward. You know, breathe, you know, like, like, actually focus on, you know, what would it be like to focus on your breathing in your dream and because in, in Wake, in life, when we, when we experience fear, one way to to stabilize. One of the best ways that I've found is breathing. You gotta remember to breathe. And so if we can do that in the dream state, that might also help us with, oh, wait a minute, it's okay. I it's just a dream, and you know, and once you get that, you know, you you're breathing, and you're like, Hey, I'm stable. I'm stable. Then you can move forward and and do all kinds of things. So, but working with fear is, is Good work? Good, good, good work. You can, thank you very much. Do a lot with that, and that will affect your waking life as well, so in a positive way, the more you can work with that. So so good luck with that. Tracy,
thank you. Uh huh,
and I don't see any other hands. Do we have anything else in chat?
We don't? Have anything else in the chat, yeah, I just wanted to say really quickly, just to share that we'll be meeting again in two weeks, Saturday, again at 11am Mountain Time. And also during this time, we really invite you to use this incubation technique so that you can come back in two weeks and share your experience with us and how this is landing for you.
Great. Yeah, so two weeks, it'll be just a review and and check in for what we're we've introduced this month so that we can check in and see how's it going. How is the incubation working, really taking an intention and really incubating it. So good luck with that, and thank you everyone for participating in that as a group, and and we're all kind of looking at, oh, all right, let's work on this together. So thank you for for the group participation. Very good. And so we're going to close up Q A, and thank you everyone for your questions. We really appreciate that.
So we'll just complete I'll do blessing, and then Katie will do the dedication. So tonight, may we all have lucid dreams, may we awake in the day, in the night and in death, may our time together benefit all beings, and through the benefit of all beings, may this merit Guide us to the light of our own mind.
Whatever MERIT has been accumulated by our gathering today and by our individual practices we dedicate to the benefit of all sentient beings
happy. So thank you, everyone. Thank you for coming. Look forward to seeing you again in two weeks, follow up and see you then,