Hello, my name is Pearse Anderson, I am the designer and creator of Your True Name, a #WordleJam entry. That's kind of Lost and Found hack and a spellcasting generation, one player, one page tabletop role playing game. I just wanted to kind of play through the January 25 entry of world and show you how the game works when you play Your True Name going through essentially the 10 minute journey that will take together and that you can take if you play this game, which is available on Itch, either for $1 or an in your price I've not decided yet. Now essentially I've written down you could just take a screenshot but I'm trying to look away from screens. I've written down all of my guesses. I had four guesses on the 25th Wordle, the January 25 Wordle, which the answer was SUGAR took me four guesses to get there but I had a lot of yellows along the way and I think that's gonna be interesting because the more yellow your spell the more volatile it is. Um, let me tab over to the PDF. I could have printed this out but I do not understand how to set up my printer and just kind of begin over at the beginning.
The Beginning: you take shape, a bit of magic is caught inside a word and that is perceived by spellcaster. Answer two of the following. It gives me a picklist about what brought me out me as this word SUGAR in whatever kind of rough draft form that I was heard. Why was the spellcaster listening? How do I feel about this approximation? Where the spellcaster hear it? A part of you feels unexpected. Okay, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna kind of just bare bones create a society for some of my spellcasters to take place in. I'm going to call this society Sugil.
Sugil will be in the hollows. I'm also kind of sketching is down on a pad and with a pen but you could you could, you could use your phone you could do as I do, and just speak it to the world. Whatever makes sense. And the hollows of mountains. There is a kind of small mountain kingdom think like Hall of Mountain King style soundtrack coming up here. Um, and what do they value? What do they need? I think it'd be more interesting. I think they need to feel more connected to the dead maybe they have sky burials, and vultures take the corpses and there hasn't been hasn't been visions essentially of, of ghosts in people's minds for a while. So that's why my first guess of the January 25 Wordle GHAST should three yellow the G to A in the S is such an interesting guess. So I think for my first beginning picklist question. I'm going to answer what brought me out of the physical realm and then where to spellcaster hear this word, but first, as I have to in every incarnation, I have to answer the Every Incarnation questions which are: what is my power and what kind of spellcasters are speaking me. So in Sugil, I think that GHAST will create a talking cloud that whispers things once said around it so kind of it's like if I were to say the word gas this ghostly Yeah, this ghostly gas really, because what it would look like but exit from someone's mouth, and uphold in the air for a few moments and whisper whatever other people said in that environment decades or generations ago. So this is kind of a artificial ghost in some way, but because the GAS are all yellow, it's a volatile spell, which I think is funny. And the word gas is inside GHAST is what's volatile. So I'm going to say that it can also suffocate people because there's a volatile gas in it, or maybe it's also flammable. Does this magic word who speaks GHAST? I'm gonna say a caste of archivist-priests.
I always like to have my priests had do double duty as a second job. So I guess in Sugil, they are also historians, and I think they would really enjoy this ability to listen in and past generations and I think probably some of them are dying because of what brought me out of the magical moment into the physical one. This is my first beginning picklist question. I'm going to say I felt like I was needed, you know, I saw the civilians really wanting some further connection to their world and to their past. And so I came out and I appeared from the mouth of a...what's that? What's that? What's that statue in Rome where you kind of put your hand into the mouth in the wall and it's like supposed to bite you? Like it does in Roman Holiday? Picture that but like five times as big. We'll call it the Mouth of Memory. And it was created to honor the Mountain King who has to somehow relate to the mouth. Who ate Yeah, who ate his son. Throw some, what is that, a titan devouring his son imagery. Picture that. So that's GHAST and GHAST is going to be misinterpreted or or adjusted somehow by the next generation or the next connection however the looks like that. Here's the word SARGE. SARGE actually has one green. Also, because gas is kind of low power. I'm going to say that it doesn't always work. You have to kind of say you have to speak a gas a lot for it to like kind of blip out and oftentimes you're just gonna suffocate or create a lot of flammable gas and a contained area without much benefit. Scary it is. SARGE comes and SARGE, the S in the right place for SUGAR but the the ARG in it are still yellow. So it's three yellows, one green, it's going to be there's going to be slightly more power. But the same amount of volatility. SARGE, I don't only know SARGE is like a nickname for for military folk. Grab a definition. Yeah, informal sergeant. That's it. Okay, so somehow it's a powerful spell. That when you say SARGE, what's it gonna? Is it gonna make someone a SARGE is gonna bring a dead SARGE out of the world? I'm going to say SARGE. Because I do this every incarnation, answer whatever this power is. SARGE outfits someone in military gear equivalent to a sergeant. Who speaks this? I think if Sugil has a caste of archivists-priests, I think they definitely have lesser castes, who see the creation of constant flammable gas in their society is not exactly a benefit. So maybe after a decade or so of these archivist-priests, speaking your mind, and I assume a lot of explosions and certifications happening from that. There might be a kind of Weather Underground bombing type organization that wants to disrupt authority in this mountain kingdom. And they say the word SARGE so they can all kind of become sergeants. I think that they discovered the word from GHAST and adapted for their own uses. And I think that they'll have to definitely adjust how the hierarchy works if their base people are SARGE. But maybe they don't get full outfitted and military gear they just get like one element of military gear, but it does allow them to, just by speaking me, as a not yet complete incarnation of my True Name. They can get a bomb, they could get helmet, they could get some trip wire or something like that. And so now we have more yellow and green tiles. So if we can answer one of these questions, where are you most proudly spoken? I think that's an interesting question for SARGE. And then we're most badly spoken in the halls of recruitment orgs and I'm for you know, for this for this. I'll call it the insargency. Insargency, I think that's for some fun, some fun word, but I think the recruitment halls are maybe adapted from something else. So again, it's a mountain kingdom. Ah, maybe there are felt factories from all the mountain goats that they that they harvest. Well from and this felt factories have been adapted to insurgency recruitment halls. And it's a real thrill ritual to get a chance SARGE before he send the the troops out in civilian gear. With a bit of SARGE gear then it becomes SCRAG. I become SCRAG. SCRAG has two greens because the S and A are in the correct order, but the R and the G have yet to be flipped. So we're not quite at SUGAR yet, but SCRAG definitely suggests ruins to me and and and has more power than SARGE. Let me just let me just google this too. Yeah. So kind of be in up. Hanging. Roughly handled thing it also apparently means neck and archaically means to strangle. SCRAG I think SCRAG in my mind is all about kind of disrupt hue and poorly put together hang by a thread architecture. So I think SCRAG when you speak at when maybe you kind of has to be another element to it. When you speak it into the foundations of a building it kind of maybe shrinks the foundations. So eventually, you're going to get buildings that are kind of like Jenga towers. If you could picture that. Who speaks it? Maybe it'll be a third party. Maybe it should be another faction after the archivist priests and after the insargency. Someone who a group maybe wants to just plow through Sugil and and build something up from the ashes. And they think that both of these styles of bombings one intentional and one a byproduct of the search for for history. aren't aren't doing anything good. But they are teaching them that leveling ground can be a in their mind therapeutic activity. So I'll call them the scramblers. These are going to be spellcaster these kind of be like apocalyptic spellcasters. Maybe they wear the heads of goats. to kind of pull in that mountain goat imagery again. I'm we're closer to the True Name again, Steve, another green tile. So we're going to answer How does society react when you were first spoken in this incarnation? I think no one notices. I think that's the thing. Because it only describes you know decreases the foundations but not significantly. In only one when speaking it has to be repeated again and again. No one notices. But it's kind of like a like a long game. And by the time they realize that buildings need to be evacuated or or or deeply repaired. Too many of the houses have gone for the city to really feel safe. These scragglers, they're, you know, sus. Finally SUGAR is our True Name. Okay, SUGAR. It is. It is the truth and is what we intended to be. So let's answer every incarnation. Um, what is our power? Maybe it is spoken by the archivist priests and we can when we were spoken they could spin SUGAR into into stable building materials. We could go like full can't Candyland. On this in some in some fashion and they'll do that after the fall of Sugil. I'm not sure where they got all the SUGAR though. They live in mountains! Why is this easier than than masonry, for example? Maybe the things that that weren't destroyed were the warehouses, because they definitely have foundations that can be tightened by the scragglers. So a lot of those warehouses and their dehydrated fudge and their nickel candies for example. That's what's arriving. There's a cat outside. It's kind of rare. Um and we rebuild a new land but I'll call it no longer Sugil, but Sugaril, seems to make sense. We can now pick two questions from the truth: can we ever be destroyed? Do we wish we were more than five letters so I'm going to say I'm going to answer do you wish you were more than five letters? I think I as a magic word being spoken as GHAST than SARGE than SCRAG than SUGAR. I feel comfortable in my being but I wish that I wasn't um, I wish that this wasn't my word. I wish there was something that I could do that could not be as misused as as you know all these generations of me and and didn't make people live in like a sticky, I'm sure difficult to live in in the summer, candy house. But that doesn't mean we weren't happy, I'm not happy as five. I just wish that it was a different five. And what was my favorite incarnation? I think I think when it now that I'm in my SUGAR form, I think looking back to my gas form, I felt like um, this whole idea of like spinning SUGAR and cotton candy and this kind of cloud like and this kind of powdery element was best encapsulated during during GHAST. And I felt I felt useful. They're not saying I don't feel less useful now but it just it feels different. I think is what I think is a magic word. So I'd like GHAST at best. I think I'll have to go in and edit this transcript because a lot of the words I'm saying Otter is misrecording but doing its best. That was a 20 minute playthrough of one game of Your True Name available on my itch. I'll include the link below if possible. Thank you for listening and and reach out if you have any questions about how this game works or how it can be expanded in future editions. Would be great to hear from you. Thank you!