The chairman of this committee serious because we understand what yesterday, his decision to appoint a black woman to Supreme Court is literally going to change the face of the court for future history United States. We understand that we shared with them some recommendations. But mainly the message was we trust your judgment. Joe Biden comes to choosing the right person. We're going to work as hard as we can to make sure that selection is chosen officially by the Senate as quickly as possible, some delay.
So this would be my 21st. Card nomination. First, Supreme Court Justice cyborg was John Paul Stevens. The two most junior senators, Joe Biden backer blade voted for four. But all through those confirmation. This is the historical. This is the historical. Chairman Durbin, is there to lead this. This is going to affect our country, our image our drive through so much for young people, older people, white and black, and I know the reaction has been my family staying. last and last and last.
I would just say that we were all excited by the candidates we've heard about. We all have enormous confidence in President Biden's judgment. We are very aware of the historic nature of this appointment and very proud of that and we look forward to a prompt and respectful confirmation process. And to the extent that that process seems to be disrupted by the same dark money outside organizations that have been involved in packing the court to date, we're going to be prepared to push back very hard against that false pressure.
We talked first actually about the number of judges that the President has gotten confirmed and under Senator Durbin's leadership that this Committee Against All Odds with even Senate and even committee has now gotten through to the Senate and confirmed 45 judges a record the most judges since Ronald Reagan. And one of the things that I mentioned, was just at the White House Counsel's Office, the bedding that has gone into all of this, so that we were able to get those judges through has been so key. And then of course, as my colleagues have discussed the historic nature of this moment with the first black woman on the Supreme Court and how exciting this is. We also talked about the fact that we don't rule out that there will be some Republican support for a nominee and that that's an important piece of this as well. But then in the end, the President will make a decision based on someone that he believes will be the wisest and justice, and that also someone who actually understands the experience of everyday Americans because sadly, a lot of these decisions that have been coming out of the majority of this court, do not reflect that and that's another reason this choice is so important.
I would like to add how critical it is for so many of us who are people of color to see a woman who will be completely qualified to be on the Supreme Court to reflect the diversity of our country, which we need to add to the Supreme Court I'd say and this woman is going to do it. I just hear from so many of my friends who say this means something right.
As members of the Senate Judiciary Committee we just had a great conversation, led by current chairman Durbin, former chairman Leahy and former chairman by a great conversation with our president about the factors he's going to be weighing. One of them that we discussed was someone in the model of Justice Breyer, someone who will write stirring compelling lasting arguments, hopefully in the majority at some point, but probably in the coming few years in the dissent. But someone who is persuasive. We are all excited about the historic choice. President Biden is about to make and we look forward to hearing the outcome. Under the leadership of Chairman Durbin we have advanced to the Senate, the Senate has confirmed a record number, the most diverse group of judges in the first year of any presidency, and we look forward to a highly qualified, seasoned, capable nominee, a person of integrity and character and someone we can all stand behind. We know that will be the outcome of the decision making process. The President is beginning the next few days we think but
let me just say there was a powerful sense of excitement in the room because we are in the cusp of making history and moving the country forward in a way that all of us feel very proud to be a part of. I came away from this conversation looking forward more than ever, to bipartisan support because I think the President will nominate someone have such compelling personal story of character and intellect that Republicans will have no choice in effect, but to support her in some numbers. And I think the President will and should look forward to someone who is persuasive, who not only understands and will speak to the experience of everyday Americans, but also to her fellow justices. And help bring together a deeply divided court, a court that is doing tremendous damage to the American judiciary right now, in real time. destroying its credibility and needs to be reset on a better path. So this choice is historic not only because it will bring historic diversity to court, but also the quality of the person when the President will appoint I think will be historic and will really help unite the country as well as the court.
Thank you, Chairman Durbin, have an empathetic Put simply, the American people deserve a Supreme Court that reflects the diversity of the country that it serves. And I share the enthusiasm with my colleagues and not just tell her budding President five minutes and pledge when he was a candidate to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court but following through on that commitment, and we are at the verge of not just making history through this diversity but we're equally excited that there is no shortage of candidates under consideration that number what are abundantly qualified for the job and in my opinion, are even stronger and their potential given the added life and professional experience that they would bring to the deliberations of the Supreme Court. We are going to be a better country because of them. So we're eagerly awaiting the president to make a selection his announcement, we stand ready as committee members to do our part to duly consider and act on the nomination. Swift and if I may briefly in Spanish, so if you have any Spanish type with press events in Istanbul establish Windows your spouse got to talk over session precedenti sabemos Kaizoku permiso como Candida nomina una Afro Americana la prima after many Coronavirus Hadwin Lakota Suprema de la status who needs establish I support open esta oportunidad awareness capacity chess have shown and we'll discuss on list as percent as the trabaho experientia Electra Muto necessarily, also no solo Sen. Napoleon better offer a sample book to their VISTA when experientes Bella Vita he professional maintain gear Asik affolter aquatic suprema por todo lifestory at the St. Pius spinnable service level Dominus shown in the seminar Scapy nn e como comitted Bochy, their interaction lavastone tapas evening thank you
good evening all I want to thank the President and the Vice President for their hospitality and for taking so seriously their obligation to seek the advice of the US Senate I want to thank you Chairman Durbin, and the whole team here for their leadership. These are great colleagues to work with. And I think we all and certainly on behalf of the State of Georgia look forward to a nominee who will bring wisdom and character historical perspective, independence of thought of commitment to rule of law and the Constitution to the judiciary. I as I know, we all do take very seriously my constitutional obligations to advice and consent, and look forward to seeing this nominee before the Judiciary Committee. Thank you again Chairman Durbin for your leadership Thank you.
To the President asked for your specific input on certain candidates.
Ask that over and over, and we didn't come up with a list of names, but suggested the names we've heard are encouraging. We know that the list is longer than the public plan that he has to go through the process of narrowing events.
How long is the list? I can't say
that about the number you talked about?
I can't tell you the exact
Sandra. Vic did the President give a more specific timing than just the end of February?
He's going to take up a meeting with the nominee soon and we encouraged him to do it the right way. But we're anxious to get started
soon like this weekend at Camp David, anything like that.
That's specific. How will
you discern their persuasive capabilities that a bunch of give talked about? Does that mean a sitting judge and reading the sort of decisions they've already written? How would you describe his ability to discern that
he is the veteran when it comes to evaluating judicial candidates? I've been through seven Supreme Court justices. You take a look at their lives, read about it, you talk to them about it, you draw your own impressions. So I don't know if it's reading through documents as much as looking at someone in the eye and hearing their story. And what do you think
Republican votes will mean to the general public in affirmation of where the court is in American life? Does it help to restore
our goal is to get bipartisan support for the nominee. It will be great for the Senate be great for the Supreme. Hope we can achieve that goal. Number one last question.
I have a number of Republicans that you really believe that you are going to be backing the decision that the President has
a lot of possibilities that we're working on. Thank you very much.
I want to thank Senator what's what's the holdup with the Ukraine sanctions. Senator Booker,
Senator Feinstein couldn't attend the meeting. That Senator Booker was there. So thank you