Hey, y'all welcome back to a another weekly word with data K, I am just feeling so good today. I enjoy it my family, we spent some time together, outside of the four walls of our home, we were able to safely social distance and enjoy the zoo with our little ones. And it was just really nice. And I really needed it all for you know, this Mother's Day weekend, it was such a reflective time. For me, it was just a nice, emotional time for me to really sit down and think about mothering and some of my inner child wounds, how I'm coming to terms with a lot of things that have transpired in my life. And so being able to enjoy the zoo and nature with my little ones today was exactly the medicine that was necessary. So I hope that you were able to love on yourself. And the mothers who have loved on you, whether they are your biological mother, your spiritual mother, emotional mum, mothers, community, mother's church, mothers, whoever they are. We're grateful for those who are mothers and for those who have mothers. And with that, I want to go ahead and get into this weekly word. Today we are looking at the eight of cups. Whoo. Okay, let's really get into this. So the eight of cups is a card that is inviting us to back away from the table, once we have finished eating. This is a card that is calling for us to respond to that inner knowing that it's time to move. What a beautiful interpretation of this card, I heard someone reflect on this car a few months ago, and I'm so sorry, I can't remember who the reader was. But they spoke about how they appreciate the placement of the cups on this eight of cups card. Because it looks like the person in the card was in the middle of a task of stacking these cups just so. And in the middle of this work. They stopped and realized, either there's something that I'm missing, there's something that I need to go get. Or this does not satisfy me anymore. And so because of that they take up their their staff, they turn and they walk away. And they leave things exactly the way that they were. And they move forward. And so I'm wondering this week, what is it that has been calling us on the inside this greater adventure, that may have been just a whisper, but maybe you've noticed has been getting louder and louder and louder. There's something that's maybe calling to you. There may be a deep desire, a wish fulfillment, a call, maybe like a deeper purpose for something. To pursue a new relationship to pursue a new career path, a passion project, a creative project, there is something that is demanding your attention and the eight of cups is here to say, now's the time to allow yourself to dream to allow yourself to move forward.
Even though you may have been in the middle of something and so you know, there's a lot of sometimes I think shame and guilt that can occur when we are in the middle of building something and then we're called someplace else. Sometimes I know this is my problem. Sometimes I am over aware of how I'm being perceived. And so I may be in the middle of doing something and then something else is saying no, you need to pivot. One of those things actually is terrible Tuesday. Terrible Tuesday is something that I have been doing on my Instagram Stories for the last couple of years. months in which I would give free readings, some people would give donations. And I would pull a couple of cars for people in my Instagram stories. And I had so much fun doing that. And it was such a joy. And it just felt so good to me until it didn't. There was a moment when I had to get by myself and my ancestors sat me down and said, Jada, I know that this has been feeling good to you for a time. But now it's time for you to pivot. Now it's time for you to avert your attention to something else, there's something else we want you to be mindful of. And so I don't want you to feel any guilt or shame. If you were in the middle of building something. And you realize this is not, this might not be what I need to be focused on right now. Maybe I don't need to be focused on this career, maybe I need to be focused on my health. Maybe I don't need to be focused on ABC. But actually, I need to be thinking about XYZ. And so when that happens, the eight of cups is saying move in this direction. I appreciate the presence of the moon in the eighth of cups card, because the moon always think makes me think of two things, the body and our intuition. And so going back to the body, going back to what feels good to me in this moment. What feels good and supports me in this moment. And what is the inner knowing Am I have my intuition saying for me to do in this moment, not thinking about what other folks are saying not thinking about anyone else's gaze. But is this what feels right in this moment for me? Now the energy that we should embrace this week is the four of Wands in reverse. And this is simply saying anytime we have a four, we're talking about stability, right? We're talking about foundations, we're talking about building, but what is in reverse, we are talking about the instability of our foundations. And the four of Wands is a car that is showing celebration, this is saying that this is some type of great, momentous occasion, this is a milestone, this is like, this is something that you need to actually stop and celebrate. But when this is in reverse, this is to me almost say that wish you thought was going to be like it for you is not given what we're supposed to have gave in his reverse is saying is not really satisfying me like I thought it might. Now why might we need to embrace this that that realization that the thing that you've been building is not actually the thing that will satisfy that is not actually the thing that will, like put you or position you where you thought you might be going next. There's a certain amount of like, that's, that's that's a shocking thing. Even if we go back to the eight of cups, this person was stacking these cups just so and again, they stopped in the middle, you can tell there's a gap between these cups, and they went on their way. So we're meeting if we're going to have the bravery and the courage to answer the call. We had to first acknowledge that what we had been building there some disharmony. There's, there's a disconnection from the work of our hands, and our actual fulfillment in the thing.
And sometimes that can be jarring, because we might have blasted it and advertised it everybody Oh, look at what I'm doing. I'm so excited about this thing. And then we get into it and realize, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Maybe I'm not supposed to be doing this. Or maybe this isn't exactly where I'm supposed to go. I want you to acknowledge that feeling. And understand that it's okay. I believe that our steps are ordered. Every single step is ordered. And if that is the case, then even while we were in the midst of Building. There's purpose in that moment, we needed to learn something we needed to glean something from that building. So that we could have the ears to hear the intuition to tune in to that call to something better, something greater, something different. And so that's hard, that is difficult to embrace, change in that way. Or a lack of fulfillment. Because sometimes we use that to say something is wrong with us. Well, maybe I'm just not disciplined enough. Or maybe I'm just not. I'm not, I didn't do this correctly. Maybe I'm in over my head. Or maybe this word I hate. Maybe I'm just lazy. Maybe I'm not working hard enough. Or beloved. I urge you to grant yourself some grace, I urge you to grant yourself some grace. All of that is coming from a capitalist mindset of work, work, work. And that is not what we're talking about here. That's why this four of Wands in reverse is here. Because we need to embrace when things are a little shakier than we thought they'd be. Because sometimes the pivot is exactly the step that's necessary to get us to the place of where we're headed all along. Maybe it was in the middle of stacking these cups, that the person in the eight of cups realizes Wait a minute, I don't need all these cups. Maybe the gap in the eight of cups? Is this person saying I don't need eight cups? What if I just need one? Maybe they took one cup and said this is enough? Sometimes the answer is not more, sometimes the answer is less. So even in my example of taro Tuesday, my ancestors who love me and support me and guide me and protect me say, baby girl, you're giving us so much. Make sure you save some for yourself. And so I say hey, okay. So I want you to take this message this four of Wands and reverse to say rather than continuing to build something for the praise and approval, and the celebrations, pomp and circumstance of other people around you, what of this inner celebration is what is key? What if we can actually turn the celebration inward? The approval inward, to actually say yes, I affirm that I am in tune with my own intuition. And I know the way that I should go, even if it diverts from the path that that I set for myself, the same way that Ubik choice is the same way that you can change your mind and go a different path. These things aren't set in stone, we can change our minds. And the goodness of the Divine and our ancestors is that as long as we stay connected to source that we don't matter what path you walk on, you're gonna be alright.
Now the last card on the table, how do we embrace this? How do we do this work of moving forward and the eight of cups of embracing this four of Wands in reverse. We have the knight of cups in reverse. Now, the knight of cups is such like I like to say like Rico Suave, but, you know, um I'm trying to think of like somebody super smooth that somebody would the child would think about, I think I call the knight of cups like, I'm just like a lover. It just reminds me a lot of Robin from Waiting to Exhale, exhale someone who's like super loving and super like, like sensual and you know, like, has all these dreams and all these, you know? Like, it's just like the knight of cups is like someone who's like who has these bigger than life dreams and they just go after it. But when the knight is in reverse, to me this is saying this is someone who has all these dreams that they almost keep to themselves, they don't know how to move forward in them. So they keep them close to themselves. Rather than offering it up to someone like the knight of cups, we see them offering a cup in his reverse, it's almost as if the knight of cups is saying, nevermind. And they're like pouring out all their dreams pouring out all this love pouring of all this all their intuition pouring out, whatever it is that they have found to be valuable as it pertains to their dreams, their hopes, their wishes.
They're just letting his spill now, what can we learn from the knight of cups why
this is our this is our how this is how we can embrace. For me, this knight of cups is asking for us to do that internal work. And to be mindful not support all of our dreams out. Just because the path in which we thought our dreams might be fulfilled, looks different now. It might look different now. But just as I said before, the knight of cups needs to remember that all you need is the one cup. A lover This is here, because I just spoke about the one cup in the eight of cups that's missing, who's holding the extra cup is this night
is you you're already holding all that you need. Hold it close to you close to your heart. Don't pour it out just because things look different. Don't pour it out just
because you made a grand announcement on social media that you were doing something and then you realized this is not the path, I have to do it a different way. It's okay. At promise you is okay. Because what you don't want is to sit there and continue to build on shaky ground. You need a firm foundation. And it's okay for you to take what you need to build slowly. And to change your mind. There will be a time for us to continue to you know work out a theme to continue to work at a relationship and work at our projects or whatever it is that has come up for you as I've been speaking this word, there will be a time for perseverance. But today is a time to answer the call of the pivot. There is purpose in the pivot. You may find your passion once you pivot. And honestly, for me, I have uncovered and unearth the point of it all when I pivot. And so I hope and I pray that this week, you are encouraged to get up from the table when you are done eating. And doesn't mean that just because you're pushing away from the table that the food wasn't good. You may have just had your fill. So when you hear the call, when you hear your name whispered and it gets louder and louder and louder. Follow that sound. Trust your intuition. Take your one cup and follow that voice into the wild. You might be surprised what you find there. Alright, y'all have a good week.