#089 Trusting Your Gut with Nancy Pitre, RMT, Certified Health Coach, Certified Gut Health Practitioner
8:12PM Apr 20, 2024
Krista Dicks
Nancy Pitre
massage therapy
massage therapist
gut health
Welcome to the radical massage therapist podcast. It's so lovely to have you here.
Oh, so happy to be here. It's so exciting.
Yeah. Is it strange? I mean, we work together and we've worked together for many years. And yet, you know, we don't eat. I think any massage therapist can relate that we don't really know, our colleagues that well, we know of each other. We know when they're in the clinic together, when they're passing by our door, but we just, we just never get a chance to, like, connect in the workplace, I think the same way that other other types of work environments do. Yeah.
And so it's true, like, the social aspect is so limited, because, you know, we're, you know, it's we're more focused on our clients and everything and the time restraints as well. And yeah,
yeah. So it's awesome that I finally get to chat with you, you know, enough more formal setting like the podcast, but I'm really excited to get to know a little bit more about who you are. And you also live in the neighbourhood, which is really cool that we're like, neighbours, but still don't know much about each other. So it's so cool. As Nancy, you have been a massage therapist for 19 years. That's one year, more than I have been 18. Wow, can you share what attracted you to massage therapy in the first place?
Yeah, well, I was very fortunate, like, in my senior year in high school, I was doing a placement with a physiotherapist and there was a massage therapist then. And then back then, like, you know, 20 years ago, I had no idea what a massage therapist was was. So fortunately, the massage therapist was very patient with me and was asking me questions when I wanted to do with my life and, and then I just piqued my curiosity, then I started, like talking to him about massage therapy and the field of practice and everything. And then he offered to give me a treatment, just to get the whole field for it. And then I really, I was very fascinated by it. And at the time ahead, I didn't really have any idea of what I wanted to do. I mean, I think it's pretty reasonable, given the fact that I was only 18 years old. I mean, that's lateral. So I just Yeah, I would decided then in there, that I was going to go into the field of massage therapy, and then right, straight out of high school, which is huge, because I didn't like I could have just, you know, wasted years of my life before really deciding what I wanted to do with my life. So I was very fortunate in that way.
You when you were really young, when you started, you're just got out of high school. And you had your placement at the physio clinic. So did you have some interest in? You know, you said you didn't quite know what you wanted to do. But was the placement on purpose because you had some desire to work in like, like some type of physical field or healthcare. While
I was always fascinated with the human body. So that's one thing. So I knew that I wanted to go into some sort of like, healthcare professional of some sort, but I wasn't sure exactly. So I just, you know, in, there was multiple options of placements that I've could choose from, and then that seemed to appeal to me the most. And then, to my surprise, there was a massage therapist there and connected right away and was very fascinated right away. So
yeah, were they they seem well integrated into the physio clinic, or were they still sort of an outsider. When I when I did my placement, they didn't have they couldn't place me with a massage therapist. And I knew what I wanted to do. So this was back in high school as well here in Canada. And so they put me in a physio clinic and there wasn't massage therapists, but they literally had like, the utility closet turned into like a massage treatment room saying it was still so new. And they were just like, well, we don't know what to do with you, but you do your thing. And here in this closet, and we'll do our thing out here.
Very similar. Yeah. Same type of treatment for sure. So in a sense, you and I are quite bold and courageous to enter fuel the the unknown, and luckily it worked out for us.
Yeah, it was it was really great. I was fortunate that I just like you. I knew what I wanted to do out of high school, too. It was I was so lucky compared to to others. I didn't go right into it right out of high school. I did three years in university first I didn't feel quite ready. Where were you? Did you feel the age made had any impact on how you retain information or how your classmates saw you or how people saw you when you got out of school.
You in high school?
So in when you started massage school, like, age like did you feel young? Did you feel not ready? Did you? Did anybody have any perception of you like being too young
or it? Honestly, I felt quite mature and ready for the task wall. And at the same time, I had no idea what I was getting myself into something. And in that moment was bliss for me. Yeah. And a lot of my classmates were pretty much the same age. So it was that was the environment was very ideal as well, if if I would be entering the classroom where everybody was older than me, and then of course, it'd be a different experience. But I think because a lot of my classmates were quite the same age. And I think back then, the maturity level is is different than today. I feel. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Where did you go to school? Because Woody Allen Sunbury. Okay, so
then they did massage therapy. There. Okay. Excellent. Lovely. Yeah. How long was that programme? Three years?
Yes. Yeah. Okay.
So did you get a little bit of that, like, college life? Also as like learning as a massage therapist? Or where did you was it pretty, pretty focused? Did you feel more like, strict and less able to breathe as like a young person in college.
Um, I definitely worked hard and played hard. Okay, by the I, I wouldn't say I quite a learning disability per se. But I always had to work harder for the things that I've got, which is great in the wake, because it makes you appreciate your things much more. But I do remember, I think in my second year of massage therapy school, one of the teachers approached me and said, you know, your marks are a little bit low, if you know, things don't change, you might look you might have to look into you know, you know, joining another programme of some sort. So, I, that that mentality, then I was like, I'll prove you different, which is amazing. Because if I would have if he was a well respected teacher, as well. So if I would have taken that, and I would have been, I would have felt defeated, and just, you know, so discouraged that I, you know, the whole trajectory of my life would have been totally different. So I was, I'm really happy that back then I was like, No, I'll show him differently. So I really worked hard for, you know, my certification, not my certification, but my registration and everything. And so that was a bit of fun, like, a challenging point at that moment. And then also, when it came to, you know, my, my provincial exams, the, the practical I passed right away, which was great. And, and the irony is the practicals is harder than the written, but it was the written the theory that I had trouble with, I literally am I it took me three tries, for me to to get my, to get a passing in that new theory aspect of it. And I, you know, the last, you know, after my second try my second attempt, and I failed, I was like, Okay, again, my, like, I'm just very fortunate of my whole mentality back then. I was like, Don't my third time, I'm gonna get a tutor. I'm gonna, like, I'm gonna get this. I mean, it's not as Yeah, so I just and sure enough, I got a passing like, I was registered in 2005. Yeah,
amazing. And so that was, that was how you decided that you were going to create like, you're going to create that destiny was by by working harder by looking at by not giving up by looking at the problem and finding, finding a valid solution. So like, and it's also really, it's really brave and like have you to admit like that you needed the extra you know, the extra help as a tutor so that you you could pass and and move on with it. I know some massage therapists and maybe there were some in your programme that did the practical and failed the practical and then they were that was it they were like okay, I'm not, I'm not it's not for me, I'm not doing it again. My my mentality was for especially for the prior the practical. I was like I am doing this once. This is too much stress. I am never going to put myself through this again. So we are doing this once and we are passing
amazing. Yeah, I was like that is
it. So? Yeah. And how did you overcome some of the challenges that you had in school in order to really bump up the grades and keep going
Um, I I tend to have a really, how can I say this? I'm very determined for the things like I always fight for the things that I want very tenacious. And I think that's something that just, I've always, I've always had it because I've always had to work harder. So it was just part partially I was just used to, I was just kind of conditioned that way. Always work hard for what you want. And, and just, you know, persevere through the the challenging moments, which there was quite a few. Yeah,
for sure. Yeah. Yeah, well, good for you. That's exciting. And it's an it's encouraging to like I said, some people go through it once. And then and then back off. But if there is anybody listening, who's curious about going to school, and it is challenging, or they're in school right now, it is challenging. Yeah, it is. We've already said on this podcast many times, it is not no joke. It's not a walk in the park, we've got all kinds of analogies for it. But if you want it, it is completely, completely doable. And yeah, and we want more of that tenacious attitude. I think in the profession, we would love for you to succeed. So if so you know, that versus the person, you know, who's just kind of go go with the flow, and it's super easy, or nose connections, and all of that, and that gets them through. But at the end of the day, it really does come down to what what you know, so yeah, we support you, in that. So amazing. What did your first, what did your first massage job look like?
So before I was registered, because it took me a year, right, like I like, Okay, I passed the provincial, the practical right away, but then it took me a year, because I graduated in 2004, then got registered in 2005. And that really took me a year for my to pass my written. But in the meantime, I was able to work in a spa setting. And you know, and give out like, not give official receipts, but like just more. So I got my, I was able to work in the field even before I got registered. Right. And then after that, I always wanted to work more in a clinical setting. So once I got registered, I started working in a clinic in a clinical setting with a chiropractor. And with I think eight other massage therapists, which was amazing. And also, I think a few years in, so if I can recall correctly, there was a lot happening all at once I got married, we bought a house, I switched jobs from the spa setting to a clinical setting. And, and everything in between which there was no shortage of, you know, owning a home. So like, of course, we I think we're out of like our group of friends, we were the only one the first one owning a home. So we had a lot of like house parties and everything so and then so I would like them got used to that idea of just having get togethers and partying and everything. And so then all of the think the life stressors and like not taking proper care of myself, really got like got the best of me over time. So I started experiencing a lot of anxiety and to a point where I was also experiencing, like, panic attacks. And that I was starting to see, after a few months into that experiencing that, starting to see how it started to affect my massage therapy career. And I was only a couple of years into it. And of course that in itself is anxiety inducing because I'm like, Oh my gosh, I don't want what I've worked so hard for to be all thrown away because I can't I'm having a hard time with my mental health. So I had to take medication for it. About six years actually. And then luckily for me, this is you know, eight years into my massage therapy field, I was able to find the field of nutrition. Luckily for my friend who was struggling with her own set of like, mental health problems, she was determined to find that root cause and nutrition and mindfulness practices really seemed to help her and then she was nice enough to share what she was learning with me and then I was like, Okay, well, I want to implement what she's learned and, and slowly but surely I was starting to see a shift in in my own well being and to a point where I was able to wean off my antidepressants for like after being on them for six years. Yeah.
So it was nutrition that was like a key to to really support you in your in your health and mental, your mental health, physical and mental. That's amazing. Exactly. And then we now know that you are a certified holistic health coach. She, and you have many certifications underneath that as well. So when so big from being a participant of, you know, the recipient of good nutrition does that sort of spark your interest in learning more about, about the field and, and sort of expanding into that as well? Yeah,
like, once I, I started seeing the shift in my own, like, overall health and mental health, I was like, I was obsessed with learning all the natural ways I can really enhance my well being, and just, and also, not only like nutrition, but like, you know, just different mindfulness practices like meditation and like, just like implementing, like a gratitude practice and just kind of really focusing on shifting that scarcity mindset that I was conditioned over the years, you know, when you're feeling anxious, you know, you're, you're, you tend to have more of a scarcity mindset you sent your confidence is low, and all the things like it just it has a trickle effect in so many other areas of your life. So I was able to really, I was just obsessed with learning all of those types of things. And then that same friend was like, Have you ever thought of like getting into the field of health coaching? I was like, Oh, yes, please tell me more. Because I, every time I would learn something, I always find myself wanting to share it. Because it's because you know, like, now nowadays, it's like, there's no shortage of people who feel anxious and stressed. So it's like, and I was, that is was one thing that I was really excited about. And I always love that saying, like, follow your bliss. So it's like, I was studying ice ice, I took a programme that was a year programme to become a certified holistic health coach. And then over time, I studied in depth training in nutrition coach, and then lastly, I'm now certified as a gut health practitioner. So
okay, and your gut certain gut certification is actually very rare from what I understand as well. Where in what sense? Rare, like you are one of the few that Yeah, yeah. Can you share numbers? Yeah,
so now, um, one out of 100 gut health practitioners in the world as she was. So she is, it's funny how, like, when like, you open yourself up to the world that just, you know, different opportunities coming your way. But she was in my, my nutrition certification programme, and she was one of the well respected teachers that I really, really admired. And she was offering that gut health programme, but she was only doing it for two years. In that two year span, she was she was able to teach 100 people and our certify 100 people out of out of like, so many. And then and the results like she was everybody like who got certified as I got health practitioner, we were able to pass through 7000 people, participants through the programme. And the results were amazing, including I had to take myself part of the programme, it was a whole year training, but it was also taking myself through the programme and then to other case, study through the programme. And like, like this was two years ago. So I like genuinely felt much, much better of, like, from where I first started, obviously, like I was able to get a good handle on my anxiety. And it felt generally okay, but I just wanted to reach that next level of, of healing. So then I can, you know, pay it forward, because I always I love paying it forward somehow. And gut health that programme definitely exceeded all my expectations. So, okay,
so can you give us a little bit more insight into into gut health and why you're so passionate about it? Why? We're sort of just learning about it now, as well. Yeah, share a little bit more. Sure. Absolutely.
So um, I'm sure like, you know, a lot of people heard that you know, all disease begins in the gut, right? So it's like the gut health is the foundation to whole body health, the brain gut connections and like there's so many things like if people suffer from mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, things like that any autoimmune conditions like Crohn's, IBS, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or like even skin conditions like I had, like ongoing Zima for years, and, and sort of people have anxiety and anxiety, eczema or psoriasis, or acne. That's also like if you put yourself through this programme, like I've I have no more eczema like I have no more anxiety and no more eczema. My energy levels are like, pretty sustained throughout the day, which is amazing because You know, as a massage therapist, we're pretty physique like we're pretty physical. So, yeah, it was amazing the, the results. And then I, since I was certified about a year ago now, I've taken five clients through the programme, and some of them lost 37 pounds total. And one of my clients is now able to wean off her anti antidepressants. And I also want to mention though, like, like, I just know, full disclosure, like, like, when if somebody wants to take the programme, the, and they want to wean off their antidepressants, they really, like I strongly encourage them to work closely with their doctor, because, you know, they may experience like withdrawal symptoms. I know, my withdrawal symptoms were very intense. And you know, like the results may vary from person to person. So just wanted to put that out there too. So yeah, just the results have been amazing, astonishing so far. And I guess if I could share a little bit of what the programme is briefly,
100 100%, that was going to be like one of my questions like, what, what does it involve? You know, how long when you talk about a programme how, yeah, what does that look like?
Yeah, so it's 12 weeks. And I coach my clients once a week, for 12 weeks, through the first week, and I take them through, it's called a prep week. So I get them ready to for step one. So it's a two week length of time just to get kind of like, help them reduce, you know, caffeine, dairy, sugar, wheat, all the things that kind of would contribute to an overgrowth of any bad bacteria that's in your gut, just to get them ready for step one. And then step one is slashing inflammation. So just really like reducing inflammation in the gut and the rest of the body. So throughout the course, throughout the programme, we are working with, you know, diet and supplements and different self care and cleansing protocols. So just to really execute the five step strategy. So then the first step is, you know, helping reduce that inflammation. Because it's step two, is just getting rid of the pathogens are the reducing the bad bacteria, that's that that is causing the symptoms in the person's body. Whether it's like I mentioned, whether it's any autoimmune conditions, or mental health conditions, or skin conditions, or, you know, the bloating, that's our people really experience or gas or constipation, or diarrhoea or even, you know, stubborn weight loss and stuff like that. So those are all the symptoms of the overgrowth of the bad bacteria that's in your gut. So we definitely want in step one to reduce that inflammation. Because in step two pathogens, like inflammation breeds, pathogens, right. So we want to make it for like in an inhospitable environment, because in step two, we're really reducing the, the toxins and the overgrowth of any bad bacteria. And yeah, and that's, that's pretty much it. And that's pretty much like that's a big bulk of the programme, because that's four weeks out of the 12 weeks. And then in the third week, once you have a clean slate in your gut microbiome, we are planting some some good seeds, so to speak, like we some probiotics, and which is the 13 different strains of probiotics, which is going to cause we have different types of bacteria inside of the gut like which is, you know, the gut microbiome, we have a good gut Mac microbiome, we have the bad gut microbiome, and then we have like neutral microbiome. And then we want to convert the neutral into a good because essentially, you want any five good gut bacteria, and 15% of the bad gut bacteria because we still need some of the bad because we want the immune system to notice. To notice. Yeah, exactly. And, and I don't know, like I don't know if you know this crystal, but like 95% of your serotonin, which is your mood, your feel good neurotransmitters, and your and 70% of your nervous system, and 70% of your immune system. They all lie in your gut. So if your gut is out of whack, I know it's crazy. If your gut is out of whack, and a lot of people don't know that once you start shifting that gut microbiome, which I guess initially that's what I was doing at the very beginning when I was through diet, right? Nutrition. Yeah. Right. So then we're planting in the good seeds and we're also sealing and healing the lining of your gut. Because what's happening is that over time when we when we're exposed to you know, caffeine, alcohol all dairy, processed sugar, processed foods, stuff like that offends the lining of the gut. And then what happens is like the pathogens, the bacteria, and the toxins, they are slowly seeping through the lining of your gut, and then they go in your body. And that's when they can create different autoimmune issues and in the brain, gut connection, stuff like that. And, and then, so then we're doing that that's about two, three weeks, I think two or three weeks in in that in the step three. And then step four, we're focusing on evaluating your stomach acid, because that's the first line of defence against foodborne pathogens. So if we can, if we can evaluate that, and then optimise it, which is your stomach acid, we need to optimise that and I think after like the age of 40, it really starts to decline rapidly, which is why people start to feel a bit worse after in there for years and stuff like that. So if you want to keep that optimised, that would be perfect. And then in the step five, and that I learned, I teach them how to just eat in that 8020 range, so they just eat healthy 2% of the time, and then the body can handle 20% of pure indulgence. And then so that gives like a clean slate throughout the 12 weeks, but then they still need to like TerraForm to three months afterwards, depending on how long they've been dealing with certain issues. Because if they say it takes about a month of healing for a year they've been sick. Or by then this programme cuts it in half. So if they've been sick for like, you know, 10 years, then it's going to take five months of of healing, but they're going to start seeing that they're going to start feeling much, much better, especially in step four. In step two, and step three, they might start feeling like they might experience mild die off symptoms. But in step four, they start to fly oh my god I can I have no more joint pain, I'm losing weight, I'm my brain fog is lifted. I'm feeling like so much happier and clear and calm. And it's amazing.
Yeah, it sounds amazing. And you're getting great results with your clients, you've experienced it yourself. It's it's a great reminder as well for for us as therapists, I mean, our clients and divulge a lot of information to us sometimes, you know, we're very fortunate to to have that trust with them. And they're they're just curious about what you're doing as an individual if they recognise you as somebody in health care, but also somebody who they see as like a role model for health and wellness, then it's a great place to start, like you said in the digestion and the gut is where so many of our, our chronic issues can kind of start and lat lie. That's, that's amazing. It's so helpful. Thank you for Yeah, for sharing. Yeah. So so that's a programme that you offer with that certification. And that's, that's exciting.
Yeah, and I love it too, because I really want to last another 20 years if I can, and massage therapy, and I feel like, like my belief around, like, you know, like having a sustainable massage therapy career is, you know, as like, just really being on top of like your health, your physical health, your mental health. And I remember like, when we were back in school, I don't know if they told you this, but like they said they was a 15 year span.
like ours was even less like five. Well, yeah, yeah, I know, which is ridiculous. I mean, we've talked about that a lot on the podcast as well, that I mean, who would invest in a five year career? Right? That is true. That is true. It has it does happen. You know, but yeah, so you had a fifth you had 15?
Yeah, I had a 15. So of course, around the 15 mark, I'm like, you know, but I feel like I'm, I'm convinced even like, like, if I would have went down that path of like, not taking care of myself continue to party too much. You know, like, a combination of things, right? It just probably would have gotten the best of me because I was really unwell in my 20s. And then And then so obviously nutrition and gut health and all the things definitely improve the quality of my life, which I was able to sustain my massage therapy career and just really shore up the best version of myself as a mom as a wife for myself, you know, for everybody, including my clients. Yeah,
yeah, it's awesome. And you you just had that right time of that. That friend who was going through her own struggles and then shared her programme, you know, and what she was doing with you. Yeah, it's just interesting how these, these events unfold for us. So with your your dual, you know, career Life. Definitely some people were wondering because I did have some questions from from listeners, they were definitely wondering what it looked like he shared a little bit, but what it looked like, while you were massaging, and like, and then you were learning at the same time you were, you know, you were going through all these trainings and courses, what did that that look like for you?
Well, that's the one of the things that I love best about massage therapy, it's because it gives you that flexibility in your schedule. Because for me now in, you know, and I find like, at this point, in my career in massage therapy, I find like four or five clients is pretty much a good a good point, like, you know, 2025 clients a week is as good for me. So then that just frees up a lot of time. And for me, I'm just a busy bee, I love to, but I love to be busy, but in a way that it's meaningful. Because I'm so fascinated about nutrition and the human body and everything. And just, I love learning, I love love learning, I'm always gonna, I'm always gonna learn, like, you know, my husband's, like, you know, like, you gotta, like, Stop, like, pick a break sometimes, like, No, I love learning, and I love applying when I'm learning and I love seeing the results. And it's just, that's, that's, I think that's my, my life's calling my life's mission, and it's just so with that, I guess, free time or spare time I, I would, you know, come home and work on my course. And I would have to say that I would have to find more of that work life balance, because I get lost in the training aspect of things. But yeah,
but you're enjoying it as well, I can relate to the work life balance, and, you know, in balance, it's, it's enjoyable. I also liked the free time that we have and doing like other, like learning about other things outside of the hands on skills. And I, you know, part of the draw that podcast is just to demonstrate that someone like yourself, is embracing that flexibility that we have in our career to pursue other interests. And you're, you're turning it into something that you're, you know, you're using as part of your career growth in massage, and then something separate, you're earning income from it, you're helping people in other ways it's easier on your body. So it's just a great example of the possibilities that are are within our career yet you didn't stop working to like, you know, you maybe would have made, maybe you reduced your hours you changed your schedule, but you didn't have to stop working as a massage therapist, you have to stop earning income and put that stress on you. Just to go back to school and, and learn. Yeah, it's an excellent example. One of the questions that we had was like, what does it look like? Okay, how to get started in a second career. It doesn't necessarily sound like it doesn't sound like it was a hard, it wasn't a difficult decision for you to start that second career, it was sort of more of a natural transition. But can you speak more on that if you were going to answer like, they were just like, how to start a second career.
Yeah. Um, I feel like with massage therapy, and having to choose like a second career, I find like the course in itself was very easy for me to do online. And it was like, at my own pace. So if anybody is interested in having like a second career, or you know, like complement massage therapy with something else, a lot of a lot of courses now are online and are at your own pace. What I love to do personally, I'm a little bit of a, of a geek when it comes to like structuring my day, like I have this whole morning routine and I find like, I cannot like emphasise enough about how a morning routine is so so so crucial for you know, your well being like I wake up in the morning, and I'll have like a nice warm water and lemon I'll just sit for because I'm learning how to just be and meditate and stuff like that. And so I do like, you know, 10 minutes of just just being sitting on the couch paying attention to my environment, stuff like that. And then after that, I'll have like, a planner, which is basically like, like just kind of like planning out my day. So like, with my massage that like with my massage therapy practice, I'll write out like my clients like who I have that day and then after that in my free time, how how like, what's the block of times that I want to use to work on my my courses or my business or you know more Marketing. And then after that block of time for relationships, or, you know, connection or, and then another block of time, like, my own time, like, you know, like, like go for a nice bike ride, go for a nice walk, do things that, you know, I really enjoy outside of like, my my career my practices. So I just feel like when you structure it that way, you kind of honour that the the day and then you feel like you have more clarity about your day.
Yeah, I love that. And I think a lot of us can just use a reminder about the blocking of time. And then especially the morning routine is really wonderful. It doesn't have to be long. I know, some gurus online, like take like four hours to have a morning routine, but but like, it doesn't have to be extensive. It just has to be something that grounds you to the day helps you set your intentions, and helps you feel in control of the rest of the day as well, right, like things are going to go out of control. But at least you have like a plan in place and an intention of how you want things to go, which is really lovely. And I love just how you block out, you, you have that specific time for each activity, and you don't let it sort of like, overlap, or you're not trying to like, you know, it's not, it's not a struggle, it's here in this part of the day, this is what I'm working on. And then I'm moving on to the next thing. And then relationships in yourself are really important as well, I love that. The wonderful and do you take like weekends off are you still also like a learner on the weekends as well,
I try to take Saturday's off as much as I can. Because you know, with with my planner there, it's also about like planning out your day, but also planning out what your week looks like, like, you know, like roughly. And then so we try to do like, you know, Saturday being family day, and then try to do more of that. But then, you know, as you know, like being a business owner or like, you know, like self employed like, things come up and things need to be, you know, taken care of. And sometimes there has to be on the weekend, stuff like that. But for the most part, I really am more mindful to, you know, making more like Saturday being the family day. So yeah, that's
wonderful. Actually,
you're you wanted to also let people know about your blog and your email, because this is a really great place to learn a little bit more about you and you offer some really wonderful recipes. Can you just share how people can get in touch with you for for your email or your blog posts?
Absolutely. So every Monday I send out a weekly blog post just about how to enhance your health, and your mental health and well being and stuff like that. So they can sign up at Nancy at your journey towards wellness.com. Or they if they just want to check my website at your journey towards wellness.com. They can also reach me on Instagram at Nancy dot pit at health coach. So something like that, I think it's like, and
then put it in the show notes too. Yeah,
yeah, exactly. So that's how I can be reached. But a lot of people I find that I'm reached I'm like you said like I'm reaching people more in a profound in a profound way, via the blog post because they're added to my mailing list. And then I provide them with value on their health and their well being once a week. And then if they want to obviously learn more than they can sign up for different types of programmes or courses. I've created a a wellness course on there as well that they can take themselves through. Of course, they can work with me one on one, through health coaching or the gut health programme in itself. There is a three day juice cleanse that they can do to really like just as a reset in their in their overall health. They I think there's 40 Plus easy, quick, quick and easy, yummy recipes on there that they can they can check out and everything and if they don't necessarily want to, you know, be part of the mailing list. They can also just check out the blogs on the website as well too.
Excellent. Yeah.
One thing that's on your social media it's probably from a year ago to be honest, but I liked it and I want you to explain more. Sure. Once we stopped fooling ourselves, results start to show
so a lot of the times we don't want to face the truth because there's a lot of elegance there's a shaming component to it. And about once we do face the art you know truth whether it's you know, the habits that don't serve us, you know, maybe five In answers that have just gotten gotten out of control, you know, they wouldn't want to face. But that is still there. And then I feel like once we do face that, and you know, with more with grace, and compassion, then we're able to slowly but surely make them in a way where, you know, life works for us instead of against us. And it's always going to be, you know, you versus you. And sometimes it does take facing the hard truths that we need to be faced in order to change things. And I find no, there's no shortage of that, in my life, I've had to face a lot of different hard truths. And, but the thing is, you do really want to approach that with compassion, and grace, as much as you can. Because it's as if, like, it's as if you're talking to your own your daughter, right? Like you, you want to teach them in a way and like, you know, to face something with, you know, like, not shame them, but you know, be more compassionate and be just just be more graceful with it. And then that way, you're, you're more apt to, to face it, and then to change it. I hope that answers your questions.
Of course, it does. Yeah, no, it's lovely.
And then I just have some, you know, something less serious to ask, but just as important as well. Okay, so as massage therapists, we're alone in the treatment room with clients, what are at least three, maybe three to five foods we should not be eating in order to avoid any unpleasant Ness, right? Your your, your knowledge with gut health, how it affects the body? What are some foods that we should not be eating in our treatment? Day? Like, you know, if you're eating between clients, what should we avoid?
Um, well, I typically just always bring a smoothie just because I don't want to a, I guess, have like, bad breath, if I'm eating garlic or onion, or create, you know, non unnecessary gas, you know what I mean? Yeah, so, but, and that's the thing with part of the reason why I, you know, tend to bring a smoothie at work is because I am also one to be more mindful in, in sitting down and enjoying a meal, because when we eat on the go, the body doesn't know the difference between like, you know, when it's rushing, it's, it's, it's a form of stress, so the body goes into a fight or flight response. And then when it's in a fight or flight response, then it's not in the rest and digest state, so then you're not likely to digest your foods, as well as if you would just be sitting down. And just taking a nice deep breath, and then just really, you know, taking your time and eating your food, and obviously, that's in the perfect world. And it's, you know, it's not always possible for us to do but it's oftentimes not in what we ate, but how we eat as well.
Okay, good point. So yeah, the smoothie is a is more digestible, I suppose on the go between clients a few sips. I have a video of me like hiding my smoothie behind the plant treatment
room, so that it's there, but it's clients can't see water. Yeah, it's there. Yeah. It's
great. Well, thank you, Nancy, so much. Is there anything else you want to add? That that's that you want to share with listeners? I think this is lovely. Getting to know you. Yeah. How often are next steps? Yeah. Excellent. I'm
Yeah. Um, so if anybody wants to learn more about either like just written, you know, regular health coaching, or if they want to know more about the gut health programme, I do offer a free 15 minute consultation call, whether like, you know, if the programme feels right for them, if they, if, you know, just tell me more about the programme before they wish to sign up and stuff like that. And then again, they can they can email me directly at at Nancy at your journey towards wellness.com. If they just want to get in that 15 minute call. And then we typically go from there. Wonderful. Yeah, actually language thing, sorry, just one thing. So from there, I then I then take them through a pretty thorough gut assessment, which is has 180 questions for them to that they must they must be filled out together, but it's 180 questions and that really determines the underlying root cause of their symptoms, or any overgrowth of any bacteria. So that's, that's one thing that That's part of the program the gut health program okay i love it
so when you're ready to to consult with Nancy all the details will be there in the show notes thanks again Nancy
I love it thank you so much for having me this was fun