And everybody's coming in. Good morning. Everyone. Welcome. I think it's morning. It might not be morning where you're at. Welcome.
Hey. More people coming in. Great. Good to have you all here again. How many people do we have in? We have like 41 people.
Thank you all for returning. We look forward to hearing how it's going right on. Okay, so looks like we are all in the house. And so this is kind of where we review what we introduced two weeks ago or thereabouts. So in the previous gathering, we introduced dream incubation. And so today we're going to be reviewing that, going maybe checking in things like that. So that's what we're doing today. Everybody. And Katie,
thanks. Bodhi, yeah. So if you didn't get a chance to see our last group, can you guys all hear me? Okay, my volume, good. Okay, great, yeah, if you didn't get a chance to see our last group the second Saturday of this month. The recording is already, or will be soon, posted on the nightclub website, and we'll put a link in the chat for you about that. But in the context of today, we're going to be just briefly reviewing the content of dream incubation again, and then Chelsea is going to guide another practice on Dream incubation that is an active imagination practice, so I'll describe that shortly. But for those of you who weren't here last week or two weeks ago, Dream incubation is where we focus our mind on a specific topic, question or intention, before we go to sleep, with the goal of entering a lucid dream state and exploring that chosen theme. So I just want to check in how many of you got a chance to play with this, at least even just setting the intention for it between our last group and now, okay, cool, great, great. A good number of you that's awesome, cool. So we'll get a chance to talk about that later. But I wanted to share the five facets to dream incubation that we work with are setting an intention, clear intention that we can revisit before we go to sleep, believing that we can actually create what we are incubating a dream about. So belief is the second facet. The third facet is imagination. So using our senses and our imaginings to actually visualize, feel sense that we are already creating whatever we are trying to incubate a dream about. The fourth facet is relaxation, which is most important right before we go to sleep, to let go of whatever we've created, whatever intention it is, so that we can fully relax and drop into sleep. And the fifth facet is staying open minded and patient, so that we can allow this dream to take as long as it needs to come to fruition, different dreams and different intentions will require different lengths of time. So we want to be patient and open minded, and also, we want to be open minded to how that dream might arise. Maybe it's different than how we imagined it. So today, Chelsea is going to guide us through another process on Dream incubation, which uses active imagination. And two weeks ago, when she guided us through the process, she guided us through a process where we had a predefined intention as we were stepping into the process. So it was more of a think first approach, where we create that intention with our thoughts, and then we go into the imagining, the feeling, the visualization of it. Today we're going to do it in an opposite order, so it's going to be more of a receptive way of going about. This where Chelsea is going to guide us in a guided imagery, visualization, imagination, but it's a bit more open ended, as you'll see and as you'll experience. So in this way, it's more like we're holding the space and opening the space for your imagination to create itself in the moment, and then we can see from that space what emerges. And if there are clear intentions or specific beings or teachers that you are feeling called to go deeper with within that space. So you know it's it's probably likely that you'll resonate more with one or the other of how she guided it, but we wanted to give both of these options just so that we could meet a wider range of people, and also so that you can explore. How does your imagination unfold? Is it? Is it more? Does it unfold more easily if you have a clear intention that you work from, or does it unfold more easily if it's more of an open space where it has the space to arise in the moment with fewer cues? So yeah, just we'll play with that. Feel how that feels. And then after Chelsea guides the practice. We'll have some discussion groups, and then we'll go into a group Q A as well, so there can be open sharing. Great. So with that being said, I will invite Chelsea to guide us in our practice for today.
Hi everybody. Thank you for being here. Um, I before I do this practice, before I guide it, I just want to share with you this practice is made to be really gentle, and at the same time, I really encourage you to listen to your body while you're experiencing it. If at any point you have a sensation, a feeling of anxiety or anything like that. There's no need to push through it. You can just open your eyes and just breathe or whatever you need to do until we come back to the group. So just wanted to share that if, if that comes up for you at all. So we'll get into the guided dream incubation practice right now. So the first thing you want to do is find a comfortable position. You can either leave your your video on, you can turn it off, whatever you're going to feel most comfortable with. And you can be seated. You can be laying down. You can even be standing up. It's whatever your body is feeling called to in this moment. So we'll just take a couple of seconds and let people get comfortable.
All right. So once you've found a comfortable position, you'll want to make sure that you're not too tight and not too loose in whatever posture you have chosen. We're really wanting to cultivate a presence of relaxed attention.
And if you have not done so already, I invite you to close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath as we begin to settle in together,
just noticing what You're feeling in this moment, what's coming up for you, remembering that there is nothing To change and nothing to do in this moment you
it helps you relax. You can breathe in a little bit deeper,
and then let your breath just do what it naturally will. And without trying to control it.
Once you have settled in and relaxed, bring your attention. Into the darkness behind your eyelids.
Notice what this feels like.
Could this be a blank canvas for your imagination,
as you focus on this empty space behind your islands, in your mind, you begin to notice a Path unfolding before you.
This familiar yet new path slowly reveals itself to you.
You decide to walk down this path, and as you do, you begin to notice that the scene is creating itself around you. You
you recognize that you are on your way to a sacred and special place for you, you
this could be anywhere imaginary or somewhere you have visited in your waking life. You
as the scene becomes clearer and more vivid with details you recognize this safe, sacred place you
now I invite you to bring your senses into the experience and let your imagination unfold further.
As you look around, you ask yourself, What does this place look like?
What details am I noticing?
Let it reveal itself to you,
what sounds do you hear?
Is there a smell or a taste that is arising for you?
Allow this experience to naturally arise and be curious about what is unfolding. I
fully immerse yourself in your imagination, without judgment. You
while in this place, you decide to ask, ask someone who is a. Loving presence in your life. This could be a person, teacher, creature,
or anyone you would like to engage with in this space. You ask them to appear and share something with you?
Do they have something to say to you?
Do they have a gift to give you? Are they inviting you somewhere with them? There will be a couple moments of silence while you engage With your Imagination. You
as we close this practice, thank this being for showing up for you. You
notice any insights you received from this experience, or if anything was revealed to you, you
begin to let go of the scene as it dissolve into dissolves into space as if awakening from a dream and
I start to notice the sounds that are around you, maybe a bird outside your window, or chimes that are Dancing With The Wind, or maybe you hear cars or begin to feel the sensations in your body,
and as we begin to return to the group, slowly Wake up your body. You can keep your eyes closed if you want, or you can open them as you gently wiggle your fingers and toes, maybe stretching a little bit,
taking some deep breaths and yes, and when you're ready, return to the group.
All right, thank you, everybody. We'll go into the discussion groups now.
Thank you, Chelsea, that was beautiful. Okay, so now we're going to go into some discussion groups, breakout rooms. I'm going to share the slide that has the questions on it. Now I'm. Can you all see that? Yeah, okay, great. So these are our discussion group questions. The first question is, which dream incubation theme or themes are most alive for you right now, and why? And this could be something that arose in the process, the practice that Chelsea just guided us through, or it could be something from the last group that arose in that practice or process, or it could be any of these themes that we have listed here, a problem you're working on an experience you'd like to have, somewhere you feel stuck in life, a question that you have, meeting with a teacher or guide, meeting with someone who has died, practicing a skill, healing, resolving a relational challenge, spiritual exploration, traveling, expanding your creativity, any of the nine Dream Yoga stages, or anything else that you can creatively imagine. And then the second question is, have you ever successfully incubated a lucid dream, and this could also be a non lucid dream. So have you successfully incubated a lucid or a non lucid dream? And if so, share your experience in the group. So we're going to have about 15 minutes for the group. And I can put this slide in the chat as well, so that you have it while you're in there. So there'll be three people in each group, so it's about five minutes for each person. And you can do that however you'd like, if you want to just do the first question first and then go to the second. That's fine. And if you get put into a group, but you don't actually want to participate in these questions, just keep your camera off, and then everyone will know that you're opting out of participating. So I'm just going to quickly put that slide into the chat.
Katie, I'm going to suggest, actually, if people don't want to participate, to just not enter a room.
Yeah. Okay, perfect. Yeah.
Okay, so Alyssa, are we ready with the roots? I'm ready. Here we go. Thank you. Here we Go. You
Welcome back everyone. How did it go? Good, medium, bad, cool, great. So, so now we're going to go into the Q and A portion, and this is questions, shares, comments, insights that you have, offerings. Feel free to bring anything to this space. This is really a communal gathered space, and Bodhi is going to host our Q and A.
All right,
it's been about two weeks since we since we introduced this idea of incubation. Action and imagination. So questions so Matthew, great to have you. What do you got for us?
Okay, can you hear me? Yes, no, I really became quite entranced with the breakout session. It didn't take long at all, almost kind of like we were inducing a state of Dream by talking about dreaming within the group. So there's a like a little crystallized field of awareness. And I feel inspired. So thank you for doing that. I wanted to quickly relate the dream that I had that I still haven't been able to completely wrap my arms around. It's pretty short. I moved up to Alaska, and as some of you know, when you change beds or you go to a visit with someone else. Usually you'll have some kind of dreaming going on that first or second night, because you're in a strange bed, you're in a strange bedroom, and that kind of disorientates the mind enough so that it loosens up for a dream to occur. So in this particular dream, I was walking in a cobblestone street like 1890s London. Reached toward the doorknob, which was red hot, whose temperature was hot inside, I saw a person whose gender was I was unknown. I couldn't tell if it was a woman or a man. I was looking for my daughter's prosthetic, which was in one of the rooms in that house. I found the prosthetic, and I started to walk out of the living room, where this genderless person was sitting, and walked out of the house. And then the dream ended, and I was back in the bedroom, but no, I wasn't in the bedroom. I was still dreaming, and I had been fooled or tricked into thinking the dreaming was over. And behind me, there was an arc of light that went through the bedroom, real or unreal as yet to be determined, and then a voice coming from the character in the dream who is mysterious, and she said kind of like in a witch's tone. So you think that I can't control you when you're not dreaming in your so called Reality. Wow, you know, it's like I could not go back to dreaming, you know, because I'd be going back into her control factor, and it was clearly some kind of psychological, you know, entrapment. But for the for the mystical people in the crowd, I would wonder what might be the best way, from a lucid point of view, to take advantage of a skate of mine, like that, where things were kind of fluid between a reality, and then the bedroom, which I thought was real, but wasn't real. I mean, that's a chance to really do some serious spiritual work, you know, if you know how to do it, I guess,
absolutely, that's great. Thank you for sharing that. Matthew and yeah, the characters that are a part of our personality, that that show up in the dreams and stuff can be really entertaining. And this sounds really good. So, Katie, you you have a lot of experience and dreams with the waking up in your you're in another dream. What? What's your take on this?
Yeah? So, yeah, that's such a cool dream. Thank you for sharing that. And it sounds like you had a false awakening. Matthew, where you Yeah, you woke up in the dream. And you thought you were awake, but then you realized, Oh, I'm not actually awake. I'm in another dream. And this actually is something that happens. I learned this a long time ago from Robert Wagoner. He calls it stage two of lucid dreaming, is when we start to have false awakenings. So it's kind of a it happens in a more advanced way than just a normal dream or normal lucid dream. And some interesting characteristics that I've noticed about false awakenings, and have validated with other people as well, is that when we have false awakenings, they can actually feel like more vivid than the dream. It's the original dream itself, and even sometimes more vivid than waking reality itself. Yeah. So, so it's it can be an interesting place to play in for that reason. But the cool thing is, is having a false awakening is kind of like automatically having a lucid dream, because you. Wake up and you think, Oh, I'm you know, here I am. I'm awake. And then you realize, Oh no, I'm not. I'm dreaming. So then once you realize you're dreaming, if you can be calm about it, because sometimes false awakenings can be kind of scary for people. They have been for me, especially if you have multiple ones in a row. But if you can be calm about it, you can work with it just like any other lucid dream. And the cool thing about it is that it's so vivid that it's can be like a hyper lucid dream working in that state.
Yeah, it's almost like a kind of pseudo enlightenment, in a sense, because you're breaking through the illusion of what's real, and you have been tricked into thinking that it was real, but it's not. And so you're kind of on the folklore point between one or the other,
absolutely, yeah. And then it really gets you thinking about, well, what is real if that first dream wasn't real, and this dream isn't real, and the next one isn't and then when I wake up, is this real? So, so, yeah, it's a, it's a great place to play with the delusion of reality, of the illusion of reality,
right? Thank you.
Yeah, yeah. Really cool. Thank you for sharing that. And then in regards to that being, you know, I would say just continue to maybe, maybe be curious about that being. Who was that woman that was talking from the light and what, what part of you was she? Was she part of your ego? Was she a higher part of yourself? Was she someone not from your own mind, your own creation?
She was a psych ward nurse, witch, you know, in my life.
Everybody needs one of those great yeah. Thank you so much, Matthew, and thank you for being here. I haven't I don't recognize you know that I've seen you before. So thank you your presence.
Yeah. Thank you very much, Mike. Matthew, Hey, Tim. Tim, what you got for us?
Yes, greetings all and shout out to Garrett. Hey, Garrett Rumi, how you doing? Good to see you. I have a question about sometimes my my sitting meditation, depending on the quality of my sleep the night before, will be sort of a combination of a yoga nidra and a dream where I'll get these hypnagogic images floating out. And it happened to me just now because I didn't sleep well last night. So I'm sort of tired. So even though, you know, I decided I knew I didn't want to lie down because of my head, I would fall asleep. So sitting up, I was thinking about an old friend of mine who had died, who was a psychologist, and he came to me in a very special place that we had shared in the presence of a serpent, a snake who was just a few inches behind my head. And this happened in real time, one time where it was winter time in the desert, and so we were back at that place with that snake, and it was just a great comfort to be with him again as sort of a teacher, mentor, spiritual guide, and I'm hoping to call on him again, because he was a really wise man. And so I was just wondering if any of you have had this kind of experience as well, and if there are any other ways besides being nearly asleep because it was, it was probably more dreamlike than it was a vision or and something imagined or visualized. Any, any take on that. Anyone.
Thank you. Thank you. Thanks. Tim. Chelsea, do you have anything on that?
Yeah, Hi, Tim, good to see you again. Um, yeah, so it sounds like you're really tired when we did, when we did the practice today. So it totally makes sense where you were kind of, like going in that in between state of, like, kind of feeling like yoga nidra, kind of feeling a little bit drowsy, like, kind of feeling like a dream, but like, still awake in that in between hypergogic state, and I would say, maybe listen like once you get a good night's sleep, maybe listen to the recording again and see what that feels like. See if it's any different for you. Another thing that you can do if you're not wanting to go into that state. And maybe you could clarify this for me, like, Are you wanting to kind of, like, stay a little bit more awake when you're doing that practice? Or, like, can you elaborate on that a little bit for me, sure.
Yeah. Well, I always welcome those hypnagogic images. And being in that, I guess that would be an alpha brainwave state where you're just on the verge of dreaming like I could. And the times I've done this, I've been aware of continuing to use a dream affirmation while this is all happening. I was aware of your voice and able to take your instruction and follow the exercise, but at the same time, I was there with my friend Nathan. So yeah, I certainly welcome that, because I would love to be able to enter the dream state, sitting up and and be in that place of of near lucidity. So if I could become lucid while I'm sitting up in my meditation, absolutely,
yeah, I think like, what you're sharing is kind of like the most ideal state to be practicing the incubation dream. Yeah, it does sound like liminal lucidity, Katie, and especially with like an imagination process. Because when we're in our waking state, and maybe we're feeling really awake, and maybe we're feeling a little too tight, right, we might not even be able to get to a place where we're like, seeing anything unfolding in front of us, or feeling anything, and that can be frustrating, too. And then there's the other side of that, of like, actually just kind of like, listening to someone's voice and then falling asleep, right? Yes, which I mean, what you're sharing with me is like, like, I said, like, a really ideal kind of situation for this practice, because you're able to see it, feel it, it sounds like you were really able to let the experience reveal itself to you, and kind of experience it like it's a dream, which is what we're trying to do. So that's really beautiful. Tim, exactly.
Thank you. And I think that if I was conscious enough of your voice, if you had told me right at that moment, you're dreaming. I think, I think I would have been there. I think I would have been conscious. So it was, it was, I was very borderline there. And if you had said, Tim, this is a dream, I would have been right there.
Maybe I'll put that in the next recording. And thank you,
awesome, awesome. Thank you, Tim. I can't tell is Matthew, is there another question? Or there is, is that right? Or is your hand still up from before? I don't, not sure.
Oh, okay, okay, I'll try to be concise. Okay, no, this is such a profound dream that I've had that continues to inspire me and conspire so my father had passed. He had gone on, you know, beyond this lifetime, for five years or so, and suddenly I had a dream. And that was a dream of his face made out of wax burning as a fire in front of me in the dream. So naturally, I felt a great emotion in the dream to rush and put that fire out. I mean, one doesn't want the the image of one's father to burn, you know, it doesn't want that to be destroyed. So I rushed to put out the fire, and I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned and it was my father putting in a cameo appearance in the green. And he said, I was your father for 18 years. That's what I performed as that role I've moved on. You need to let go of your image as your father. And I thought, wow, I just saved $500 counseling time, good lord, you know. But is that? Is that more of a like a spiritual visitation than a dream, you know? I mean, I, I wasn't sure how to, how to contextualize something like that.
Wow, wow. Yeah. Sounds like something straight out of Star Wars. Luke, I'm your father. Chelsea, does that have anything that resonates with you?
Yeah, and Katie and Bodie chime in here for sure, too. Matthew, Yeah, he definitely saved quite a bit of money, and that's part of the beauty of like these practices, right? Is that we get to go into our own subconscious and potentially heal different facets of ourselves that we don't even know necessarily need healing. And they can kind of appear and reveal themselves and give us the opportunity to do that. Um. Um, and I would say with these kinds of experiences, it's such a individual experience. It's hard to say from somebody outside of your own mind what it actually is that's coming to visit you. But I think what's really important about it is what you receive from it.
Yeah, just one, one little other notes, I because my imprinting when I was a teenager from my father. I was the oldest son, was pretty direct and so forth. I had absorbed some of his self esteem issues, things like that that became part of my subconscious because of the imprinting, and when I realized that I needed to say goodbye to him as my father, that he was moving on, when I woke up, all those psychological tendencies that had been in there in some kind of echo form were gone. So say goodbye to the image with goodbye to all that negative program that was pretty interesting. You know, I was ready to have coffee with, with Mr. Young, you know, after that,
it sounds like you kind of did, yeah,
you turned into my father, you know,
yeah. I mean, what a gift, right, to be able to go to sleep, have a dream, and then wake up the next morning as a different person, in a sense, like the same person, but to be healed and to experience life and a new way, and to see our world in a new way. I mean, that's so beautiful, Matthew, um,
but what was amazing about it is it? Well, he might have been the Creator, uh, he had some alcohol problems when he was when I was a teenager. He might have been the creator of some of those wounds that I had as a child. He also was the resolver of it in the dream that's, yeah, I would like to have more dreams like that. Very
profound, and now that you've experienced one, and you hold it so close to your heart, you know that it's possible. And one of the most important things about lucid dreaming is the power of belief. So you have infused that deeply inside of your own body and soma through the experiences that you've had. And I want to say thank you for sharing your dreams with us, and thank you for being here. And I also wanted to take the opportunity right now, I don't think Mary Ann's with us anymore, but we actually have a dream Sangha group too through nightclub. It's once a month, and I just wanted to take a moment and promote that as well for Dream sharing.
Thank you.
Yeah. Thank you, Matthew. That's a great example of, you know, there's so many indigenous peoples that have initiation rights, you know, just built into their culture and about, you know, breaking those connections between, you know, like father and mother and stuff like that. And here you did it in in the dream state. You you actually created an initiation kind of ceremony. So that's fantastic. And, wow, we can do it even without lucidity. Amazing things can happen. So thank you, Matthew. Hey, before we go to David, I'd like to ask everyone, what is, what is it that you're working on that is like, your objective? Like, okay, you want to have a lucid dream and like, what is it that you want to, you want to do when you become lucid, like, what is it? What's your intention? And if you could write that in the chat while we we talk with David, that'd be great, if you feel like just sharing with us, like, what is your intention? And so how is you know, like, when you do go ahead and incubate that, you know, what's that going to look like, but I'm just curious, like, what are you working on? It would be great to know, all right, David, and tell us what's happening.
Well, the reason I'm raising my hand is, over the course of my lifetime, starting from young adults, I've had a few really amazing lucid dreams. But. Uh, one thing about this dream induction technique is that, because it was all visual, it didn't work for me. About depending on who you read, three to 10% of people have something called a Fantasia. And aphantasia is the inability to visualize. And people who don't have aphantasia are can't imagine that. That's not what everyone has. And people who do have aphantasia Just wonder what everyone's talking about with all this immediately, Oh, I see a horse riding through the sky on wings. Can and Nope, don't see it. It's not there. Some people don't have any visualization when they're dreaming. I'm someone who can I do have vivid visual dreams and sometimes very full sensory and I've had meditation experiences when I was awake in which it entered into a state in which there was vivid imagery. But it's not something I can conjure up when I said, and do some of my Vajra practices. I can't see much of the object for more than just a few seconds. I can see an ear of a horse for a second, but that's but it disappears. So something is slowly walking down a long path. It just doesn't work for three to 10% of the people. And I wanted to, just to throw that out as a bit of a challenge, to think about how to incorporate the feeling connection which is there. And one of my acharyas had said, Well, you had to share. It's feelingization that's more important than the visual. It's we're trying to work with the how we feel, how it connects our heart. And so I just let me throw that out. And if you don't know, if you haven't, read about a Fantasia, please, please read about it. And because I can still have amazing visits with children Trump or other teachers or or green Tara, but they're not on a visualization I can conjure up. So I can never, let's visualize a path and walk down it, and at the end of the path, I'm going to visualize what I'm going to see, because there's nothing happening there for me, but I can do some of the other stuff, and sometimes spectacularly successful. Thank you. Wow.
Thank you for teaching us about that. David, so so like, Do you have something that you're working on right now that you'd like to incubate in a dream. I'm gonna I just wondered how, how that would be for you.
Oh, yeah, all sorts of of wonderful things I would like to do. When I wrote my list last time, there was quite, a quite a few things there, it was difficult to settle on just one thing. But okay, so
if it's meeting, say, a teacher that that you want to, like, have a lucid dream about meeting one of your teachers. Then for you, incubating would be having the feeling not creating any pictures. Is there anything that's not available for you? So it's is it like where your con, your consciousness moves to your heart? Do you feel from your heart? Is that kind of like where your your mind goes? Is from the heart space. Is that where you feel from? I'm just curious.
No, it doesn't seem like it's centered in the heart, but it is a heart based feeling. It's an it's it's more working with emotions rather than intellect, and it's not working so much with your eyes, although, you know, I'd like to do elaborate practices in this state, because ordinarily we keep disbelieving what we're seeing. Are we. Keep falling again and again, for the for the mirage that this group shared, Mirage and I have had practices that were just deep, all through states of consciousness just from practice. Not very often, but it, you know, so, but, but anyway, standard deduction type of things, yeah, is what I'm really wanted to take to get to. And I know someone else pointed just mentioned in the chat that they had a Fantasia as well. I didn't You didn't read their whole post. So the it'd be interesting, since I could see that you guys, none of you responded that. Oh yes, I know about a Fantasia. Google it and read about a little bit about it.
Yeah, I just was waiting for a pause in your guys's conversation to share. So I do know about a Fantasia. I know about it through Andrew, and he is the one who actually taught, I think Katie and I both, and maybe Bodie about feelingization. And I am very much a feeling type of person. It actually takes a little bit more thought for me to be more like, like thinking about my guided, guided practices, even when I and I can relate to you, because when I do Guru Yoga or deity yoga, I'm not necessarily like seeing the deity in front of me, but I'm feeling what the deity would feel like inside of myself, and there's this really beautiful practice, right? Of like creating a practice that works for many people in one space, because I would love to, and I appreciate the challenge to try to create something that's more like feeling based and it's, yeah, it's just sometimes people actually on the other side of the spectrum have a difficult time Getting into their feelings instead of the visuals. So it's kind of like a balance. And in no way am I trying to defend what I'm doing. I'm just wanting to share with you, like, kind of the balance that I was kind of playing with inside of myself as someone who really does, you know, feel a lot and tends to have more success when I'm feeling the incubation versus, like visualizing it, or potentially it's really the best when I'm able to do both. So David, I'd love to talk to you sometime as someone who does have a Fantasia, if you're ever interested. And maybe you can, just like I could, you know, pick your brain a little bit about what some some things that I could say in a guided, you know, incubation process that could potentially support people with a Fantasia.
And also, by getting to that point, I think it's going to be more powerful for everybody else as well, because visual our visual senses are more easily fooled than our deep longings and emotions, which are more core and glad to hear that that Andrew is working on that I'm I'm the first person that mentioned it to him, because when I did, he said he'd never heard of it before, and we talked about it on a couple of his chats. And so that's really sweet. And I told him also that story about the feelingization so
so came from you. Thank you, David. We use it frequently.
That's great. And, and he would have known the the old Acharya that I had learned about feelingization as a term from too. Jeremy Hayward, you might have read some of his books, but anyway, he's very passionate about it was wonderful.
Yeah, once again, thank you so much. And Barry, I just want to point out you put something one of one of the other guests in here right now you can, if you put your view on gallery mode, you can actually see an image. Oh, we spotlighted him. So, Katie, did you have something to share too?
Yeah, I was just going to present so that Dominica wrote in the chat, which is that there's this actually. A spectrum of degrees of a Fantasia. Yeah. So some, some of you might feel like, well, I can visualize, but not great. So maybe there's, maybe there's a spectrum there. So it's just something to be aware of and to be to kind of like, widen the scope of your modalities of experience where you're you're not only seeing, you're also hearing, feeling, you're smelling, you're tasting, the five senses, but then you're also using the modalities, like your feelings and your sensations and your intuition, these more subtle ways of connecting as well. So kind of like thinking of your lucidity induction as being on this wider scope where you can access it through any of these, or you can engage the more breadth there will be
great. Yeah.
Thank you so much, David,
yes, thank you. Thank you, David, that that opened up a bunch of new view. So thank you. And thank you Barrett Barry, for that visual. That's great that that's really nailed it, man. You guys really, really loaded up the chat. That's awesome. Thank you for sharing all your intentions about what you're working on. And so that's that's fantastic. Thank you so much for doing that and sharing what you're working on. And I'm having a hard time seeing but we've got a question, another question from gilda, is that right?
Yeah, hello, hi. I wanted to share my experience with being a visualizer. Being such a great visualizer that I could live my life doing that in the psychic world.
Finally, I realized that it was a crutch. So perhaps for those who can't visit visualize they work on that. But for me, it became more of a crutch that, similar to following thoughts, similar I could create the scenario, and sometimes things would come in in real life, in a in interesting ways. But I found that when one masters that it becomes a crutch towards evolution, the evolution of the transcendence and transformation of the being while embodied. So now I allow the collective inner intelligence to show me what it is my being needs to be looking at, and then I learn to dialog with that, and that's where things get interesting, because I'm not in charge of what shows up, but it knows everything about me, so that that's what I have to share about that.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing that. Gilda, thank you, beautiful. Beautiful um, Katie or Chelsea, did you see anything in the chat that might be good to mention answer talk about,
I didn't see any questions. But if you want, I can just read through some of the intentions that we put in there before we close out.
Yeah, yeah, that might be nice. That's really cool.
All right, so we have visit detached, meet with a teacher, heal relationships, physical healing. Visit day, watchin, be mindful and peaceful in the dream. Meet a family member still living, to connect with their higher self, heal myself. To meet with green Tara as I work on her painting. Barry said that, I hope you get to see the painting when you're done. I'd like to meet with a guru, teacher for instruction. Wake up from illusion, be ready for death. For me, lucidity is a gateway to lucidity, to through all states as a practice, to abide as awareness, to cease being fused with circumstance. Practice Dream Yoga techniques eventually do sleep yoga. Prepare for a Bardo experience after death. Meet. Teachers, artist practicing for the Bardo, meet great beings and get answers to life's questions, evolution, transformation, Transcendence. I would like to have lucid dreams, and at the moment, my theme is fear, and then I work in my body, mind, work and somatic meditation practices. I would like to chat with relatives and friends who have passed across the board. Border between life and death. Um, Roger, thank you for sharing that you have a Fantasia as well, and you have a visuals, especially with LSD, it is a spectrum, especially if we have substances inside of us, yeah. And I'm interested in lucid dreaming as a path towards greater awareness in all states. Also would like to know what the heck I'm downloading from the cosmos. I want to learn more about the relationship of the nature of our lucid dreams, and dreams in general, to our waking life. I think that since they are both mind created, if we can understand one, we can better understand the other, the same principles seem to apply and then the last one become more self, aware and authentic through lucid dreaming and active imagination. Beautiful.
Those are awesome. Those intentions are awesome. I love them. And thank you so much everyone for sharing those yes and
beautiful. Well,
thank you everyone for participating and being in on this. Really appreciate it, and I think we'll close up the question and answer portion. So yeah, let's move on. Katie,
yeah, and I'm just going to put in the chat the link to sign up for, well actually, I have the lucidity induction Group link, and then I'll put shortly the link to sign up for night club if you're interested. I also have each of Chelsea bodhis and my email addresses. So if you'd like to give us feedback on anything about this group, we would greatly appreciate that positive or negative, constructive or destructive. We really want to make this group serve the people who are showing up for it. So we welcome your feedback. And Chelsea just put the nightclub link in the chat, thank you, chills, and I'm just going to offer a blessing to our group before we close for today, and then Chelsea will give the dedication tonight. May you all rest peacefully, may your dreams be beautiful, true and good. May you all remember your dreams. May you have lucid dreams.
We dedicate the practice to all beings. May all beings recognize their true nature as living awareness. We may we move through our day with more awareness. And as we dedicate this practice, we feel that love inside of ourselves, feel that, inside of our beings, inside of our heart, inside of our minds, and we spread that out into the world, and remember to bring it with us throughout the day. Thank you, everybody. Bye.