it is okay today not not sunny. Not typical but not not so good.
That's good.
That's good. I think it is a bit colder in Boston. Maybe?
Yes, here it's around minus minus seven.
Oh yeah
very good. Yeah. That Yeah, I heard Stefania was telling me that you might join for the South Africa conference. I'm looking forward to it. Just let me know you know if you want me to create for you I got
a Aiden and guess. How are you? Hello.
Hello, Deborah.
We are good. I was telling guests on the week started for me today because Monday was a holiday and then I took yesterday off so first Welcome back then thank you. Were calling it it. Was it President's Day? Oh yeah. So I don't know if you guys noticed that it was quiet on Monday but it was Yeah. But generally I feel like Mondays and Fridays are always more on the quiet side.
Yeah, we got a bunch of people are open Kraft who do not work on Fridays. So for us Fridays are really quiet day in the team. I will say I'm tempted to do the same but it always ended up I always ended up having some work to do on Fridays anyway, so I'm not doing a four day week is sounds good.
Okay, I was waiting a few minutes for people to join. So I think what I will do is get started just to review the translation performance board, and then people will hopefully slowly trickle in. So let me share my screen. Actually, let me start the recording one second. Okay. case so the report is starting now. I will share my screen
okay, can you guys see my screen? Yes. Okay. So this is the translation performance that I gathered on the 16th last week. So French Canadian is still the highest performer and pulling these results from the new project, the Open edX translations project. Spanish Latin America went down and performance Spanish from Spain declined and you can see that overall theme across the languages. We declined in performance rankings This is to be expected because we just switched projects from the edX platform project to the Open edX translations project. So people are seeing the notifications and trans effects that they have to work out of the Open edX translations project now but one of the troubles is that not every one may catch those announcements and trans effects so we're doing our best to communicate it as much as possible and slack and trans effects etc. A good thing is that Omar recently converted the edX platform project to a read only project so nobody will be able to go in and try to translate in that project. Any questions about this?
Maybe a quick question on my end. So there were maybe a couple of strings which were essentially code which I was not able to translate. So my question is, who would be the best person or resource for me to talk to in order to be able to translate that those strings it's just a couple of them, but they're fairly technical. And normally, I'm able to do it just by copying and pasting and so on, but a couple of them I just couldn't manage. Mm hmm.
Okay. In that case, Gabrielle if you can pose the notification in Slack that way, Brian and I or anybody else in the group can review it and give you feedback, but the best place to post it so that we can leverage as much feedback as possible. All right, great.
I'll do that. Thanks.
No problem. The other thing is to whenever you're experiencing some kind of technical error within trends effects on the bottom of your screen, there's a Contact Us button for quick responses because they have people available 24/7 on chat, so they also oftentimes can assist with these kinds of errors. So feel free to leverage that as a resource. Oh,
that's good to know. I did see the button there, but I didn't know if it was, you know, relevant for me to use it. So that's, yes, anybody
can use it. That way you get much faster support. Great. Thank you. Okay. All right. So that's forgetting the performance. Any other questions regarding the language performances? Now, okay. The next thing is the transition. As I mentioned from the edX platform project, to the Open edX translations project, we have completed the transition of our teams converted all teams from the edX platform to the Open edX translations project. One thing that you may have noticed is that we have not transitioned all of the 133 languages yet currently, the Open edX translations project only has the 18 languages embedded that we cover in this group. However, Omar is going to transfer all of the additional languages to the new project by the end of this week because we've gotten quite a lot of queries about languages missing that were available in edX platform, not available in Open edX translations. Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, yes. Um, so we have actually tried to so I was double checking the tasks obviously, this project has like a ton of very small tasks. One of them I've noticed that the exit blocks project also needs to be made read only because from now on, we'll do the we will apply the release process on both exit blocks on the edX platform. So we'll have just one open edX dash translations project which contains everything except maybe for superset where I'm still it's out of like, our scope at the moment, but we can chat about that later. This is completely out of scope. So yeah, so that's one thing. We are going to make that project we totally announced there. And and because it's already migrated and the language is our STS. One challenge that we have is that we have about 100 language, maybe like also that is not sync, even if we enabled them they will be empty. So if we enable them, I can see that like some of them are already looks, how can I say controversial or some of them like I'm mentioning, especially the locale that I am aware of, and this is one thing that like for example, Arabic has a lot of dialects that are effectively people changing a few words. Like very few words. For example, someone does not like your translation of the course they want to use the course in the context of university. So they go in and open Egyptian, others they want the course in the context of of a for example, a professional training so the folk the translation and make it Saudi for example, I'm just throwing out example. I hope that the Son is more aware of the issues than I am. So we need I'm thinking that like, if we need do we need to really need to enable like the whole languages, or should we open bless people request them and add them organically with and develop criteria on the on the spot. That's like one question on because I'm sure that like some locales shouldn't be there in the first place and the old project, especially speaking about the language that I'm much I'm fully familiar with, which is Arabic. Yeah. So it's, it's a new thing. We didn't think about that. But enabling the languages like from the old spider to the to the new one is a matter of a scripting. And like you said, we can do this this week, actually, I mean, we're slowly starting. It was a little bit late. Yeah, so that's one thing. Do we want to divert like do we have a policy for accepting languages? Because if we do, then we can like develop a small policy free lines, and we just click Enable on every request, for example, I mean, yeah, we enable every language and that's it.
Okay. Yes, because I'm Do you want to comment on first? Sorry, Cecilia.
I'm sorry for being late Good morning to everyone. I'm just wondering is there I didn't see there's the open there's channel translation channel, or there is no like a notice for the Open edX website even say that to for people want to request new language you can contact for example, either Omar to initiate that. So people normally get to last amount of Slack channels and to make such such a request. But of course, we don't know where the customer or automatics you know who whoever have interesting, you know, when Open edX coming from. So I guess it will be to bias if we only keep the current languages or wherever we have those reviewers. Those languages in this channel, but if we can like openly people come to my next website even though that if you're interested in initiating new languages you can contact either Omar or somebody else in this group. That would be good but I apparently I know that we can people can still make that request through Slack channel or somewhere else. But I want to make it more visible if it's possible. And second questions that I guess I'm doing the Chinese one. I'm wondering like a one then machine translation can you know, finish those string translation so I can continue with a review. I noticed like significantly, Chinese is less than other languages. Yes. Great for machine learning.
Yes. Thank you. Sorry. Yes. Thank you, Cecilia and Omar. I see your hand up second deck because I'm to let me quickly respond. So I agree. With you, Cecilia, we can make it more visible where people can. How and where people can request the languages we have currently on our Confluence page, and the confluence page is linked on our website. But what I can do is on the website itself, I can add under the translation Working Group listing some language or shortcuts, if you will, so that people don't have to read through the confluence or the wiki page. That's two point number one, point number two when I pulled the performances of the translations, which, as we discussed at the start of the meeting, have declined, but we expected this decline as part of this transition. After I pulled the performances, I activated the machine translations because I noticed that the translation, the machine translation Phillip feature was not activated so I activated that as well as translation memory. And I saw your comment there Omar in regards to the translation memory is set up to ensure that I'm following the so I will look into that after this meeting. All my I find your proposal quite interesting in regards to adding languages only as the requests come in, because I see your concern there. We don't want to over spam this new project. And the syncing issue is a concern if we do it one by one, you still have the issue. Regarding the syncing right? This the languages are still not properly.
Yeah, the syncing is not like a huge concern. It's a fairly automated process. If you let's say for example, so like here's the concern that I have. Suppose that I came in an requested the language and then like completely dropped out like on this this language or locale that only creates a slight some sort of technical debt. And in the form that we'll have, for example, the repository will grow in size, obviously we need to make sure like I mean, we get scales up to like some extent, but what I would like to avoid is to have right now we have like, what is it called like? Translation validation. So if we don't, if we have like think invalid, invalid translations and nobody's owning them, we will start having poor requests that failed the check, whatever, like because nobody's checking them right now. I think we have obvious like, some of these processes are not really public. People are not paying attention. I'm not saying that this is something that's okay. I say obvious, but I'm going to share my screen a little bit if you don't mind. Show you folks, what does it mean? So right now, within the 18 languages, we have, for example, some translation issues in Chinese I think this is because the automated, like machine translation, and I'm just saying, Okay, fine, Canadian, same thing. We need people to like this is a new process. So what's happening is that there's a bot that checks if the translations is valid. So to break fear, instead of breaking in deployment, which is great, because we don't want it to break on deployment. So that is right now is it says it's valid. We can basically take a look at this what why it's not being merged. But yeah, we we need to let me give you a better example. Now that there's a bug here. I need to fix that. Let me just lations Okay, validation error. I want to bring an example sorry. Yes, awesome. So this one is this fortresses in Hebrew I think that's Hebrew, maybe or the yes or the or the which one enterprise? So there are like some some invalid strings here. So it's not being merged. So basically, that's what we need to look at. If we migrate all the 18 like 100 language and sync them we can enable them this is a fairly transparent, sorry, standards process. But what if we enable them and sync them? I don't, I think we'll have like about 1000 per request in volunteer because for every resource will have a specific request. It's very granular, which is good. So yeah, so that's the thing. So I'm thinking of I say if someone wants a language, and this is a response, I'm gonna stop sharing a response to Sicilian right now the, the process to request a language is for translators to go in into trance effects, and click Request a language. This is the process. I don't think it's not maybe it's not documented. Maybe it's not really obvious to everyone. I think we can make a better effort to put a paid somewhere, maybe in Docs dot open And make sure that it's cross linked so it's visible, because you're right. That's the process we are we don't rely on slack for this process. We don't rely on email. Trans effects has a thought process and that I think we already have few requests there. But we are not realizing that that's what's happening these days. Because we don't have a policy. What I'm suggesting is that we developed a policy basically, if a language is requested, we enabled and if one is if someone is requesting, think we require more standard, basically, please, if whatever we think fix all the issues on the PR just like give us a How can I say a week or two just to go in and make sure the tags are translated? Well, just to avoid the same user, basically, when they pulled to their application, it will break. That's what the validation error means. The validation error right now is happening in trans effects on and on the repository. Like a year ago, it used to happen in transit, and on the build time, which breaks deployment for people It certainly broke a lot of appointments for for me, so right now these deployments will never break because we have validation and we only merge valid transactions, which is good, but it requires a different kind of efforts. Yeah. So
I know that Sam you have your hand up, but one of the questions I have for Omar so how would you formulate the standard for adding a new language so a proposal gets submitted and trends effects? What would you propose? As a standard for accepting because prior to this proposal, we would just click Accept, right? We wouldn't have any process for checking on validity, if you will.
Yeah. So for the validity, because we have a lot of um locales that I have suspects that are like either invalid or attempt or something. So I have concerns. I'm not an expert in locale because this is very technical. And also, let's say, cultural topic. Because we know that Austria, for example, has Deutsch as as German I mean, that makes things confusing, but from what I see is that it would be ideal, I mean, as a as a maintainer of like of like as a someone who works long term in the open source project. I would think it would be ideal to ask for some sort of commitment, let's say minimal commitment. If we enable the language would you be able to say to translate the Alexa platform in full that's the the Alexa platform as as a repository or maybe like the learning MFE not right now these things are getting prominent. So we asked for this certain commitment that will be ideal, like it's really, really good. We don't even like I mean, we don't have to ask for long term commitment, just like if we enable it, would you like be willing? So we have contact with these people. We inform them about updates we like about the updates from the diversity regulations. So we don't like require them like to attend these meetings. Of course, nobody, like not everybody is a long term contributor. That's not what we expect. So that's the the idea of commitment that I had. The second thing if we want if someone wants to sync language, because that will happen that someone will say, will show up and say my language was enabled, but it's empty. What happened with the authorizations we told them, we need this certain this certain commitment, please make sure to allow us for a week to clean up all the product questions that caused a broken translations. Invalid translations. I'm right now this is what we what I like I mean, the ideal or the criteria. Apart from that we like I mean, like I said, it's a click of a button to sink, a click of a button to to enable language so it's like it's actually too easy right now in my opinion, so that's why we're getting some questionable quality entries.
Okay. But you can basically fix the translation errors, the invalid translations that come up within a few weeks per language. If the syncing is requested
um, yeah, so right now, if I want to fix it, I have to go manually. Serena certainly did some of the fixes manually. I'm starting again, like I myself did some of the fixes. But this is not a sustainable process. Like because the number five which is really huge, and I'm expecting I think about like 1000 or 1500, a defect for pulling on not more than that. So yes, we go the fixed basically go to transit fix, fix it. Okay. And the rest is automated. That's sort of this Go ahead. This is your expertise. Yeah,
I'm also dealing with from you as well. I have to think I would like to if we like yeah, just to, to, to let me talk my confusing confusion. So before when we were discussing adding a new language we were discussing, not having it in the translation project in transfix. But to have it somewhere, if you install the new release, you will you will be able to see it. But I think here we are a bit changing that is when we want to support a language from you is that we it has to be fixed. It has to be we start by adding it in the Transifex project.
And guess that was in fact the process before two people submitted language requests and trans effects and if we approved it as administrators, it would right away be added to the edX platform project. So that was in fact also the case. Prior.
Yep. But did we but what was the old workflow like by default, okay, I think maybe for the Emmys. It was just a specific language. But for edX platform. It used to be a lot of language, but not everything. So yeah, it was a bit of a upload, but I got it but but when we say we want to edit, it doesn't mean necessarily that it when I go to my account setting when I install Open edX by default, they will be able to see the language. It means it would be built in Open edX translation.
Yes, and the Git repository, and
it would be like a matter of changing Atlas configuration that I can easily just add it to my installation of Open edX.
Yes, hopefully, it's not as straightforward you're you've already installed open edX and you know that we need it needs to change account MFE at the moment, Alexa platform and others configuration. Yes,
yeah. We okay. Okay, just for my confusion. And the other thing, I'm not sure I get the idea of dubby or being annoying, but would it would it be if Atlas bulls a translation that are reviewed, I know there is a like we have the No, if you only will the strings that are reviewed with that, minimize the number of avoiding in that we all
now the problem is, in trans effects you can override or you can pass through the review, even though it will cause an if and if it causes an exception when you open it and when use it in Python when you compile to Python. So trans effect does not a lot like allows some of the errors to reach the application and to break it with like it's always happening like that. This is nothing new. We've all had like seen people Yeah, like branches broken. Please fix it. This is the I remember like um, 2014 and 15 getting emails from Salina Catholic. Like we're emailing us, please Arabic is broken. Please go ahead and fix it. It's breaking our belt. That's it. So yeah. Until like we started to have the transit export, like the one that we've replaced. So we've discussed like a couple of deep topics. I would like to give a short overview of what's happening on right now if you don't mind. Yes, because I think that would be less confusing for everyone. So right now the status of work with date, Atlas, openness, translations, the new project the whole thing like I mean, if the funded project number 12. That's same thing, basically, the status right now. In a couple of days, we expect the last poll request to get merged. What will that intuited? What will that mean? That will mean that whenever you tweet tutor nightly, not all not not a quince tutor nightly and scheduled to be released in Redwood. You'll get places translations whenever you whenever you rebuild your Docker images. So in every deployment, you'll have latest translations. That's basically it. I mean, it's hopefully as simple as that. There is a lot of like little bits and details here and there. And what will that's like but that's fairly automatic. If you're still on using Ansible. Hopefully no one is using it except for to you. The process is is different, and you will need to make sure that you run the Atlas pull command. This is not supported. This is out of the scope of the qu because the tutor is the official deployment for both DevStack and production. It breaks up a stack of translations. It'll just start showing up empty. There will be no translations after like a month, by default unless you use theater. And yeah, I'll be like otherwise it'll be automatic. Exactly the the update we are almost done. That's the good news. After 250 prs Oh
my god. Wow. Well, thank you. So much for all of your hard work. And getting this done. Really appreciate it. And I think Omar in regards to your proposal for adding languages because of the challenges related to the language syncing I think your proposal is the best way to move forward in terms of adding languages to the GNU Project, unless anybody in this group has has any objections to to that that we will add languages as the requests come in. However, I will communicate the certain standards in adding a language so I saw one PR for adding person. For example, I will add the the prerequisites to the confluence page and read the docs documentation related to the time commitment and and what was the other point that you mentioned Omar? It was a time commitment and
completing the basic like elements, which is I think right now is lending MFE edX platform those are like the most basic Well, there isn't, there wouldn't be very unlikely so we're not expecting someone to translate that. The ecommerce 100% And of course leaving the platform empty. That would be a little bit not understandable. I will propose a policy. If you don't mind. I think we have a media at the moment, which will be fairly simple and I will ask Brian to to make sure that it reflects the overall direction of organics, because with the Atlas translation that we have, like a project, it's past, it's now possible to avoid depending on the official project, so people now can use forks can use different GitHub repositories for translations with much easier burden. So it's a centralized three variables. If you don't want to pull if let's say Persian or like Arabic is not available in the next platform. I can purchase the translations work on it and put it on and pull it from my repository. On all MF eats all that is a platform like components all the ideas will just be variable. So I said instead of that, use this, I'm good. So it's we're not like longer, we no longer dependent on the open elixir project to provide all translations unlike before. That's it so yeah, we need to like develop a policy and make sure that people know what their options are, per se. If Arabic like slash Iraqi Iraqi has been let's say, I'm denied. I can like right now it's possible for me to fork and be created in a fairly low cost and maintain my own translations.
Okay, yeah.
Absolutely. That's what I'm, that's my point.
If again, if I understand you correctly, just reorder like our ended goal is that we have that Git repo is like, an abstraction between our users of Transifex and how the, the ecosystem builds that translation. So whoever has access that was supposed to be the source of truth.
Yes, the operators translation is on currently. Everyone communicates with it nothing communicates with the with the with the trans effects, except for the translation. So it's the the mediator. So if you, for example, one of the things I have I'm working on a project that they don't like the translations of course, for business reasons, not for cultural reasons. Because like, if it's cultural, then it's a different locale. Right? Then we have a Spanish versus Portugal thing, or let's say Alexei, Colombia, Spanish versus Spain. Spanish. That's, that's not like our point here. These are locales, we enable them and we make sure they are supported. But if for business reasons, I want to translate translations. There is no way that could fit upstream. So the right now the recommended way, it's not documented yet, but we'll make sure that it's documented is to firstly, Open edX platform. So the Open edX slapdash translations, GitHub repository, do a like run a script to replace whatever words we have like and we asked tutor to pull from that repository. There are of course like challenges because like any fork but it's one of the fairly lowest cost ways of working, and it's definitely something practical. I'm going to use it personally for a project that I'm working on for a customer. So that's like, um, yeah, does it fit upstream? It doesn't align with the with the upstream repository. So like, um, policies or or, I mean, translations. So yeah, so we'll do a center fork, and it'll be fairly low cost. So yeah, that's one. One thing that I want to make sure that Brian Smith and other folks are aware of his policy. And I'm not, let's say, breaking any previous assumptions by creating this policy like this proposed policy. Yeah.
And, Omar, when do you think you can have the policy outline available? I'm just wondering because, for example, Persian was one of the languages that was already requested. I think there's another one. There's another request I received in my email.
Okay, can we, for example, I don't know. Do we even need for like to wait for the policy or we can enable them after lunch? What what do you think, if
you want because for the Persian one, no, there was how about we enable Persian for now? Yes, yes. And then for the future requests. I will hopefully by that time, the policy will be completed by you and reviewed by Brian so that we can add it to the documentation.
Yeah, I think I I think the case with the like version, folks, it's, they happen to come in an unfortunate time because like we just make them really wait on a lot of time. I'm really sorry for that. I think it's fairly, like it's completely fair to just enable it, especially if the FA we don't, we need to ask them if they expect other locales, like sub locales, or it's just FA like, like, Gecko version. I think that's going to be like a very easy decision because we already this is a major language and I mean, it doesn't look weird to me it's big when I see for example, Arabic IQ i which is like Iraqi basically, I have no I mean, I'm not aware of any substantial in Arabic differences between Arabic in Iraq and Arabic Farsi in Saudi Arabia on Egypt, except for date names, which are completely not available. It's really not related to trans effects. So like for the currency and the day names and the month names, these are handled by the operating system. So we don't translate them on Transifex. So but for FA I feel that it's completely fair, and we I'm sorry that we made them wait that much.
No, okay. No problem. Thank you. Oh, Ma. Yes. That would be great person FA for now and then I will let you know as more requests come in. So you mentioned it regarding the X blocks. The project the X blocks project is now read only. What about the resources have they they have not been fully transitioned to the new project yet? Right.
Oh, it's the opposite. Sorry. We have fully translated transition them. They're insane. They're working fine. But we forgot to make the Xbox project with only that's why I said we Oh, okay. I think we've had like about 200 300 tests. That's one of them that we forgot. Okay,
no problem. Okay. Any more questions regarding OLAP 58. The transition from edX platform to Open edX translations project any other questions regarding that? No. Okay. Then let's move on to the next topic. There was an issue raised by Pierre regarding strings and MF is not harvesting properly. I created an issue for that on the GitHub board as well. This is the issue here. And there were two MFPs you flagged the front end app communications app and the front end app learner dashboard. The trends effects team did offer to help us run tests to make sure that the strings defined in a particular resources are added to trans effects and if they're not, they can flag it for us. However, in order to run these tests they need to obtain all of the source files. I know that I discussed this with guest guests on and guess I mentioned since the source files change frequently, it may not be the best option to leverage so we wanted to see if there's any any other proposals for managing these issues
Yeah, I think if they want to add just also comment that I think what the issue with the lemon dashboard that appear and Omar commented that it was in typical it was the first time he just saw it. I don't think and code that gets the problem is very old, like one year or two year so I don't expect that, that issue. That exact reason for for the strings to not show up to come again. So I don't think it's source. It is worth for this use case to run this because it was only in the treebo and that code is very old. So I mean, yeah, we will see if it comes again but but yeah, I did the thing within the fix but yeah, I don't unless on what you think it may come in, but I don't think it was very old code but but the other reason translation wouldn't show up was different. Previously was just because the sinks wasn't running was was different issue and now we have a new project. So is it and we have proper way as we discussed before to add a new language so so uh, yeah, I don't think that's my comment on that. Yes.
So yes.
So yeah, thanks. That's completely fair. I think it will not show up. However, I don't want like to, to be how can I say? pessimist but it's having a missing translation is like having a will always forever I think have that. It's not like, I don't think it's a solved problem like technically the only way we can like we can fix them is by basically by training. At the moment. I don't have any automated like, way to think about it is by training, making sure people understand translations when they join the project, and making sure that it's a like to mark specifically strings for or or extraction. For this way. I don't think it will happen again, but we will see different sizes, flavors of the same problem in Python and react and other projects. So in my opinion, the the actual responsibility of fixing those issues is would be on the redact specific repos maintainer. I mean asked to fix all these issues as part of the alert 58 but last time I need to double check with with Brian if this is still true, because the quantity of them I have no like no problem with with continuing on the project, obviously. But I've been asked to, I mean, basically, check off the project and deliver it. And these are one of the things that I still need confirmation. So it's either like I will be asked Okay, spend let's say a couple of months on making sure all the let's say 150 repos settings or let's say, I don't know, main 34 strings are marked. That's a quite manual work. And we are not expert on like those 30 repositories, but this is a doable thing. We barely know how to do that. The more efficient way in my opinion is to ask the transit the repose, individual apartment owners to basically file I work on that report, sorry, a GitHub issue and ask them to fix it. I think that's a more natural way to go. If someone disagrees like or like I've been asked, to like to extend the project, that will be a different conversation. But right now, I think that's the most sustainable way.
Yeah, that sounds good. I'm adding a comment here. For Brian to add his feedback as well. Any any other questions about this particular issue that came up? Or comments? No, okay. So then let's go to the next issue on the board. This issue that came up that was flagged in the Slack channel Okay, and I think guest Sam, you already gave you a feedback to this right. The sun you had some feedback regarding this issue that was raised. Yeah,
I mean, that was someone Nielsen commented on the translation. Selection. I don't I'm not Yeah, it is just if the people here have some opinion, but I don't think it relates or they asked to change the Beth, the bottom of locali Beth in cookie cutter. And my my observation was that we use the same button all other Python based project or repos, that is gone. That locale is prefix. So I was thinking if we want to share the cookie cutter it is more of a vocabulary question, but, but here it wasn't the I don't think they said it's very important, but they just want to let us see it I think,
can we please I don't have access to this. Could you please start chatting if you worked a lot on this arm like that you go to details and I think he's gonna be able to Yeah, okay. I can't actually
who is the the other person you want me to tag?
Yeah, my colleague, Shadi now if I type his name on the conversation Oh yes. His GitHub handle actually. It's Saturday
sometimes, like I think this, this issue can be a bug like that we introduce maybe I don't know. A, like a like a, just refactoring requests that can be like critically reviewed, but by default, the cookie cutter supports translations. That's like that's the default case. It should never not support translations. That's what I know. And let's see.
Okay. Okay. And then this was an issue that was generated our out of our brainstorming session. Just providing better resources for translators to understand the context in which they are submitting translations. And also, for example, instructions for resource type how to translate an expert these questions actually come up, and we don't have a sufficient documentation or outlines for people in trans effects. I know that initially, this issue was assigned to Omar and Brian but I know you guys are quite busy with over 58 So Gaza and offered to assist with this ticket. So I guess I don't know if you have any proposals for this work.
Yeah, I mean, the way the way I think about it, like it will probably it's something that's I will start with something whether it is something that's going to be like ongoing because, for example, I am a translator and a new resource has come up for NXT blocks and MFE. The main thing I think this issue is trying to address is if I am as a translator, I'd never use this interface, this future this UX UI, how I'm supposed to test it, are there screenshots just to help the translator have some context, I think is is is politically relevant for new resources. And because I think sometimes the ecosystem is really large and for example, you could have people that are like, very experienced in the studio, but not in other aspects. So yeah, that is a way like, what I think it was when the translator is does not have enough context about a resource that they can look at, see maybe screenshot maybe steps to reproduce experience in an instance or something like that. Yeah, and this was brought up like the steel and few people were found would find it useful.
So maybe we can start with adding links from the resource to be repository. That's I think that's a good thing. Or we can point people to use the Open edX sandbox, which has like a live code. I think that's a like others. It's some of the concerns but of course, will not fix all the contexts.
It'll be someone who will work on this, like discussing that some ideas out loud.
And when you say Open edX sandbox, are you talking about the sandbox that's being leveraged? By BTR for testing purposes? Okay.
Yeah, like I mean, hypothetically, if like everything like goes really well with with the execution of the project that we're working on, and it become, let's say, somewhat error free. Then we can I mean, hopefully it is because we have the foundation for that. We can basically asked the BTR group to rebuild the images more frequently, let's say every a couple of days or every day, basically, so translators can go in and check their translations and basically I think that would be a good one.
Yeah, I agree. One, one settings would be is I think, is that typically, or like so far? What PTR use the DMO. is usually up to the release and usually the release is like few months is behind a new resource. So, so it would be that and you for example, and you accept look and you will if he is included in the release, then it is deployed by ptr. Then as a translator, I can see it in Yeah, it's like some of the little like it can she can I guess, but yeah, yeah, yeah, it's hard to have ideal solution for the install.
Well, if you have some time to brainstorm ideas, the next meeting is one month from now, right? Because we have now the meetings every third Wednesday of each month, so perhaps get some by them. Do you have a proposal in mind that you want to introduce to the group and we can review it? If
that maybe, in addition, like so we have like two sandboxes one for the latest stable release and the other one for the nightly that's gonna be a big thing. I think last week, I think sort of yesterday we I've been in the coordination working group. And they were saying that we don't have a continuous like CI like we don't. We will. Yeah, we just, we before the release, let's say a couple of like, the weeks there's a rush and everything is assembled. And bugs will start to show up randomly, obviously, because stuff are not continuously integrated. So yeah, it's not impossible, but definitely it's a effort intensive like something to do but yeah, I I like the ideas inherent here
and guess I'm new also certain the BTR working group, right? Or,
yeah, I usually become more active recording release. I haven't been in the field maximum. But yeah, but yeah, I think I agree. Is is a good thing that this thing can be thought of as not only for the translation but but collectively as, as like a how to enable this the future is all relate together. I
think. Exactly. Okay. Any other questions about this, this issue? No, okay. These are all of the items that we had on today's agenda. Are there any questions that we did not cover on today's agendas or topics you want to bring up or questions you want to ask that we can address?
No Okay. Okay. With that said, thank you everybody for your time today. And oh, to write the policy, okay. I was
expecting. Yeah, sample. So I would like to start like writing the policy this week. It's going to be fairly simple. So I'm Ken with the trends effects be a good way sorry, conference would be a good way to write it or we would expect it to go in the docs dot open repository.
And it has to be updated in Docs. So if you can start it in the repository that would be better. Okay, yeah, I'll add it there. Okay. Perfect. Thank you. Thank you so much. All right. So thanks, everyone. If there are no other questions, thank you for your time today and if anything comes up, please do not hesitate to post in the translations Slack channel and we will see you next month. Thanks, everyone. Take care. Thank you. Very good day. Thank you. Bye bye.