I think you answered my question, but I just want to clarify and just rephrase it, so we're really clear. And so the question is, are you refusing to make any commitments beyond 2022? Yes or no?
Commitment to what? Yes, we are committed to looking at this and continuing to work through this issue. Yes, we are committed to that. But to commit to specific space or a specific building, we can't do that today.
Okay, so the answer to ...
... if we focus on that, then we're not preparing for 2022. And that's our concern.
Well, my concern is addressing the clerk's request. And as, you know, it's not up to you to determine the scope of what the clerk's requests are, is what I'm saying. So, and I think you've answered it right. I think you're saying today definitively that you are not making any commitment about space beyond 2022, that you're refusing to make any commitment about space beyond 2022.
We can't. We cannot, we cannot today, know, what we're going to do with what building. We can commit to continue to work on this issue. 2024 to us is the biggest concern because that's the largest, the next election that's very large, right? It's the presidential year. And so clearly we want to have this worked out, we want to have this settled. That is our goal to as you know, to satisfy as many people as possible. We, we we we recognize that the clerk has requested to use the entirety of Johnson Hardware building. We cannot do that in 2022. We're offering square footage of almost 12,000 square feet. You know, and and that hopefully is is going to be what what will get us through this next election. And we can know more about what our priorities need to be and how we can make this work. So we are committed to working on this, we're not going to commit to a particular building, we are committed to continuing to review whatever requests come our way from the election board. That's our commitment.
Okay, so the commitment is to commit to working more, but not to commit to any particular space allocation, whatever that may be, beyond 2022.
That's right. But we do want to start working on the future right away, we don't want to wait.