thank you. Thank you to the entire budget Advisory Commission for your work. I think next year, we should we should have this presentation beginning of June, not the end of June whenever we're making the final decisions. But but that's not no one's fault. This just the recommendation. You know, I may suggest something or ask about your reaction to this chat. One of the challenges here, of course, you know, every every year or usually every couple of years, usually, we are negotiating with our workforce to provide salary increases as they deserve. And sometimes, of course, that happens often in conjunction with a two year budget cycle. And so obviously, anything you're you're, you're going to use to pay your workforce is going to be has to balance in the budget, right. But it has to balance in that two year budget that you're adopting. Sometimes, those, those if the workforce is getting this, in addition, is spread out over that two year period. So it balances in that two year budget, but doesn't balance after that. Do you understand what I'm saying? I know you do. Thank you for that. So is that a caution? Not right now. Nothing's gonna happen now. But once we address the fiscal structural deficit between this year and next year and a year from now, going forward beyond that, we might want to address that what I just said to be careful about that, too often. Does that make sense?